Jacinda Ardern is leading a government that is now so far out of touch with public sentiment that, as the polls are starting to show, they have all but burnt their bridges. Their ministers seem ever more incompetent to the point where they look like they have no understanding of their portfolios. It appears that if advice from their departments does not suit their narrative or ideology, it is not taken. If you are going to expand the public service to ridiculous levels, as Labour always does, at least take the advice you are given.

The government seems oblivious to the fact that it is their policies that are the reason for what appears to be the start of their electoral demise. According to the Prime Minister we are all just a bit Covid weary. We certainly are but if she thinks that is the main cause then what faculties she might possess are seriously letting her down. The fact we are Covid weary means our thought processes are turning back towards the everyday things that concern us. We are starting to look at how the government is handling these matters. What we are seeing and hearing on practically all fronts gives cause for some trepidation in our hearts and minds.

There is now a huge disconnect between the government and its so-called team of five million. If the Prime Minister has the gall to utter that idiotic phrase again it will be proof she has completely misread the public mood. The three most recent polls show the falsity of such a silly utterance. I think the Prime Minister believes, in terms of popularity, that she’s some sort of Wonder Woman whose gloss will never wear off. Well, it’s wearing off as we speak. According to Richard Prebble it’s wearing off daily. He points to the Newshub poll and says a 9.7 per cent drop is huge. He’s right.

I think the Prime Minister believes, in terms of popularity, that she’s some sort of Wonder Woman whose gloss will never wear off. Image credit The BFD.

Government ministers are in all sorts of trouble. Take Immigration. I’m told if you can’t make up your mind these days you’re a Faafoi. The Minister of Police won’t back police being armed because the people she represents (but doesn’t), the Maori and Pacific Island communities, don’t want them having guns. The woke Commissioner agrees. Ardern had the temerity to say on the AM show that those in the force agreed, which is patently untrue. Poto Williams is more afraid of being bottled by Judith Collins. If it weren’t so pathetic it would be funny.

This same minister, wearing her Building and Construction Minister’s hat decides, without doing any research, that the lack of timber domestically is due to the fact too many logs are being exported. Therefore she was looking at putting a limit on the number of logs for export. This understandably alarmed the timber industry as that is not the case. The problem is not a shortage of logs, it’s a shortage of mill processing capacity. Why don’t these people get off their butts and do the necessary investigative work before they shoot their mouths off?

The Minister of Health attended a conference of GPs and had a hostile reception. I trust he wasn’t threatened with bottling. Between Little and the ‘Minister Who Can’t Make His Mind Up’ we are losing valuable people from the medical profession at an alarming rate. The health system is in chaos and a Pyongyang type of centralisation is not the answer. The Minister of Transport is probably the biggest court jester of them all. This clown thinks a bike bridge and the Dominion Road tram are good ideas. Grant Robertson is pedaling in reverse regarding the bike bridge and Michael Cullen is giving Michael Wood a lesson in economics regarding the tram. The Te Huia train is losing $24,000 a day!

The farmers are exasperated and frustrated to the point where another protest is in the process of being organised. My understanding is that it will be huge. Meanwhile, if you’re an arty-farty type or a rich prick there’s an immediate spot in MIQ for you. The Prime Minister has no problem letting these types in while thousands of kiwis have to battle and wait months to find a spot. Is the Prime Minister aware of Google magnate Larry Page waltzing in? According to Cam in his article, Stephen Tindall seemed up with the play but the Prime Minister knew precisely nuffink.

Now the slide in the polls is on; expect it to carry on, because in this government, we have a right royal circus obsessed with hate speech and conversion therapy, neither of which they seem to have the faintest idea about. They don’t want the debate on He Puapua either. It is much easier just to implement the nonsense while telling us they aren’t. The best you can say about this government is it’s living up to what it is: a joke.

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