Despite the fact that Marxist radicals spent much of the past year burning dozens of American cities, the hysterical witch-hunt for imaginary Nazis under the beds continues unabated.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa spearheaded hundreds of violent riots throughout 2020 and 2021. Riots that caused the worst “civil unrest”, damage and looting in American history. Riots that led to dozens of murders and a staggering spike in violent crime not seen in America in decades.

Yet BLM and Antifa are now the political mainstream on the American left – and the increasingly spineless Republican party is joining the radical left in a spurious McCarthyite campaign against imaginary “far-right extremists”.

Republicans in Nevada are calling for an investigation into a vote last month to censure the GOP secretary of state after allegations emerged that the balloting was swayed by activists with ties to the far-right Proud Boys extremist group.

Firstly: the Proud Boys are neither “extremists” nor “far-right” – unless unashamed patriotism is now “extreme”.

Secondly: so what?

Unless the Republicans and Democrats are going to outlaw lobby groups entirely, the Proud Boys are totally within their rights.

The Clark County Republican Party, representing Las Vegas and the most populated part of the state, along with Republicans in the state Senate, called for a review of the vote after a report in the Las Vegas Review-Journal alleged the Nevada Republican Party added about 40 people, including activists with extremist ties, to its membership the day of the censure vote to ensure the measure passed.

In other words, an old-fashioned branch-stacking, at worst.

It’s also notable that Clark County is one of the only two Democrat-voting counties in the entire state of Nevada. This is what happens when Democrat voters flee the results of their own policies in California and infest the big cities in red states.

The Nevada Republican Party disputed the allegations and the statements made by their fellow party members as “slanderous lies.”

Speaking of lies, there’s this torrent of fake news garbage from the Gray Lady:

At a news conference Monday morning, Clark County Republicans announced they had barred seven activists, including some of those alleged to have participated in the censure vote, from becoming county party members because of their reported ties to the Proud Boys and a social media account that posted anti-Semitic and racist content.

Probably a “Friends of Palestine” page.

The Proud Boys are a male-only group of neo-fascists who describe themselves as “western chauvinists,” and have been known to incite street violence with counterprotesters.

Washington Post

Well, the WaPo got one-and-a-half things out of four right, in that Gish-Gallop of bullshit.

The Proud Boys are male-only: but their sister organisation, the Proud Boys’ Girls is for females. How many men are there in, say, Emily’s List? Or on the editorial board of the Huffington Post?

Not seeing a lot of “diversity” there, girls. The BFD.

As for “Western chauvinists”: that’s absolutely correct. And so what?
The rest – “neo-fascists”, “incite street violence” – is not only pure bullshit, it precisely describes Antifa.

After all, it’s Antifa activists who beat up Jews and Asians in the street, not the Proud Boys.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...