With the onslaught of a very public discrediting battle in the media between the different COVID-19 vaccine pharmaceutical companies, I am reminded of my father’s expression of disdainful indifference for his children’s numerous arguments and fights (there were 13 of us so I’ll cut him some slack). Of course, if things took on a more serious tone and he needed to be protecting life and limb, he would intervene in a more judicial way. Yet there are times in life when this attitude of indifferent disdain just seems to be the right fit for the situation on hand.

In one corner we have the mRNA vaccine proponents (Moderna and Pfizer), who have HIV proteins found in Covid itself, bound to nanoparticle immunity stimulators (messenger RNA).  They argue that the naturally occurring HIV Ad5 component that has been replicated in the non mRNA vaccines is at risk of promoting HIV itself in those who are vaccinated with it, based on its track record in prior vaccines. 

In the opposing corner, we have these non mRNA vaccine proponents (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson), warning people of an even greater HIV stimulation threat or mutation of the coronavirus itself, from the overstimulation of the immune system that has been an inherent flaw of vaccine nanotechnology since they began experimenting with it in 2014.

If I had to choose, I would go with the devil you know in the Ad5 adjuvant vaccines as at least you know what to expect. The mRNA technology, on the other hand, is completely unknown. It has been fast-tracked, not allowing the adverse reactions that the trials have been indicating, to be made known and shown, nor any potential long term ramifications of these to be expressed fully. The very same adverse reactions for which AI apps are currently being sought, to combat the anticipated tidal wave of reactions, from those who will be dealing with the massive fallout at the coal face of application.

I won’t be vaccinated for this and a vast number of other reasons that have to do with sound science being overlooked and ignored throughout the whole ‘Wu Flu’ debacle. So I will sit back instead and look on with disdainful indifference at the postulations of those who while milking society of its financial resources and health, shamelessly push each other aside in their greed for more of the ‘Pandemic Pie’. I am with dad on this one, “Fight you, Bastards, Fight!”

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