A triumphalist left and media are so busy patting themselves on the back for ousting the Bad Orange Man that they’ve failed to notice just how alarming the 2020 election really was for the Democrats.

Not only did the projected Biden landslide fail to eventuate – in fact, more Americans voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016 – but the Democrats went badly backwards everywhere else. Jake Sherman of Politico has described the House results as an “abject disaster” for the Democrats.

At least one Democrat Congresswoman is sniffing which way the wind is blowing, it would appear.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) isn’t sure if she still wants to “be in politics” anymore.

AOC has been one of the Democrats’ media stars (if often for the wrong reasons, such as her famous wonderment at “dirt food”, on witnessing the apparently amazing sight of seedlings sprouting) but her performance as a representative has been notably less than stellar. Residents in her Brooklyn borough were furious when AOC’s roadblocks forced Amazon to abandon plans for a massive, job-creating centre in the area.

Naturally, she blames everyone but herself.

The congresswoman, arguably one of the highest-profile figure of the left right now, expressed frustration with the “smothering approach” she said she was experiencing from within her own party. “The last two years have been pretty hostile[…]internally, it’s been extremely hostile to anything that even smells progressive,” Ocasio-Cortez told the TimesAstead Herndon.

AOC isn’t exactly doing herself any favours by publicly calling for a blacklist of anyone and everyone associated with the Trump regime – nor by constantly haranguing “white people”.

“The share of white support for Trump. I thought the polling was off, but just seeing it, there was that feeling of realizing what work we have to do.

We need to do a lot of anti-racist, deep canvassing in this country. Because if we keep losing white shares and just allowing Facebook to radicalize more and more elements of white voters and the white electorate, there’s no amount of people of color and young people that you can turn out to offset that.”

Perhaps not constantly harping on at white people might be a start? Ask Hillary Clinton how well calling potential voters nasty names really works out.

But it’s AOC’s talk of taking her little socialist bat and ball and scuttling out of politics that is the most telling.

Perhaps she’s not as dumb as people have written her off to be: she seems to be smart enough at least to read the writing on the political wall.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...