She’s rough, I tell ya’, in the sandpit known as the Dompost editorial office where the five-year-olds are giving newcomer Collins a bit of a kicking in an eleven-paragraph snivel-fest.

Suffice it to say the diatribe carries all the expected cliches: divisive, baggage, associations with shadowy attack-bloggers, along with “cartoonish Thatcherite toughness”, but they get around to what really irks them in the final run of the Disparaging Stakes. In the closing three paragraphs, we learn that “pakeha” is an ethnicity (yes, really), that Collins is one, to her utter discredit, and that’s the very nub of the issue. Good grief, how do those people become so sad?


That the choice of Collins has so upset the weepy, dreary, card-carrying leftists at the Dompost tells us all we need to know about that particular rag but also tells us that the selection of Collins, who refuses to engage in the turgid identity politics beloved of the shouty-people, is the right choice for National, and for the country.

Roll on September, it can’t come soon enough.

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Living in Wellington idbkiwi is self-employed in a non-governmental role which suits his masochistic tendencies. He watches very little television, preferring to read or research, but still subscribes...