
The PM thinks she has done us a favour by allowing us to enter level two. She hasn’t. Her “team of five million” had already made that decision for her a week ago – and she knew it. We went hard and early. In fact, she has lost control of her levels systems with just a few exceptions. This must also require our PM to relinquish the 1 pm party political broadcasts. What feasible purpose could that now serve?

The consequences of the Government’s COVID-19 intervention have been diagnosed to death. Opinions range from Ardern’s phenomenal ability to single-handedly save eighty thousand lives right through to her being responsible for driving a prosperous nation into the depths of a third world cot case.

However there has been one constant throughout the last seven weeks and that is the PM’s ability to celebrate failure. She reminds us every day that, with her in charge, we are in good safe hands and if you don’t believe her, she will correct you the next day.

Regardless, the most irritating and objectionable segment of this whole scenario is the PM herself. Never in my life have I felt so patronised. Communication has to be honest to be effective: not necessarily truthful, but delivered with intellectual authority. If one chooses to lie, do it with maturity. Children can trust a lie, adults not so easily. Unfortunately, our PM has chosen to treat us like children. And the most disturbing aspect of this is the number of immature adults we have amongst us. But I’m not one of them.

The PM has exposed herself as a lightweight, superficial communicator who profits by emotionally manipulating the vulnerable and denigrating the intelligence of others. Her communications degree has taught her two things: the manipulation of the mind and the ability to transmit ideology effectively. She personifies the wolf in sheep’s clothing perfectly. A liar with authority is a dangerous combination. It can’t be allowed to continue. Over the top? No! We have seen the evidence on a daily basis throughout the pandemic. The damage from COVID-19 will pale into insignificance compared with the damage being inflicted upon this country by this administration. They must go.

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