
Throughout the last few weeks, I have read some very enlightening and well-researched articles here on The BFD. There are some I don’t necessarily agree with but I respect opinions that reflect a well-researched challenge to my own thoughts. And the reason I feel this way is because there is no other media platform that I can trust or turn to for balance. Yes, there are some radio hosts who call into question the direction an issue is taking and again, not all of their rhetoric I agree with.

The question I am trying to advance is, what is factual news and what is opinion? The media in general, once a source of factual information, have blurred the line dividing it from opinion. It could be argued that it is not the media’s role to influence opinion but to promote balanced discussion by providing alternative views on the topic of the day. When the media advance opinion responsibly, they must also balance that opinion with the right of reply. This rarely happens. The media are now tribal as they protect and promote their views as facts. News, in its unprocessed state, is now opinion not news.

The BFD.

I’m sure there are some who would point the finger at The BFD and declare us guilty as charged. Yes, we are. But I like Cam’s rather challenging thoughts on, and apparent support of, New Zealand First, his solidarity with Jami-Lee Ross, and his relentless exposure of the failings of the National Party. These issues generally flow against the tide, if the comments section is anything to go by, and I include myself amongst the challengers who have alternative opinions on these matters. Sometimes we are not so tribal as it appears. What other publications would have their head honcho challenging the comfort of their sanctuary? None I would suggest.

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