Okay, unlike the PM, I’m going to be honest. I’ve had a guts full. I’ve had a guts full of this lockdown. I’ve had a guts full of the individual who currently inhabits Premier House. I’ve had a guts full of being dictated to. I’ve had a guts full of being told to be kind. I’ve had a guts full of being told we’re all in this together. I’ve had a guts full of being told that the Government went early and hard. I’ve had a guts full of being lied to.

I see Corrections chartered a con air flight to transport four prisoners from the South Island to the North Island. Which reminds me I’ve had a guts full of the con air that’s expelled at 1 pm most days by our “dear leader” Jacinda Ardern.

The BFD.

She stands at her lectern gesticulating and postulating, spewing out her fake encyclopaedic sounding knowledge on the subject. It’s a con job feeding us the line that had she not gone hard and early the modelling showed we would be at 10,000 cases instead of 1200 odd. Modelling is a joke everywhere. In America modelling showed 250,000 deaths. That has now been revised down to 60,000. She is entirely to blame for the mess we are now in. She is solely to blame for the lockdown. Why? Because she DIDN’T go early and hard.

Most of our problems have come from returning travellers and these people were allowed to wander in through a thoroughly porous border. Here’s an info card. Go self isolate. Where was the proper testing? We are now being told there were so many people the officials couldn’t cope. If that’s the case, which may well not be, then that’s an indictment on her and her Government. Only now are we hearing about tightening the borders which is after the horse has bolted. Only a handful are now arriving.

Those who understand the economy are now saying the country must get back to work. They are right. The Government should by now have a plan ready to enact. It is quite obvious they haven’t. Jacinda says we will get told two days before the end of the lockdown whether or not it will be extended. If it is not extended, which it had better not be, then businesses have precisely two days to gear up to reopen. That is ridiculous. When it comes to understanding how businesses operate this crowd are completely clueless. The country simply cannot afford to be shut down for longer than a month. The damage incurred will be out of all proportion to the damage the virus has caused.

Winston Peters has had the good sense to sound a warning to this effect. He says that without a return to work the country will go broke. Even now we are getting close to the point where the borrowings are getting dangerously high. This could affect our long term ability to make repayments without having a detrimental effect on the economy for years to come. The quicker we open up the businesses the more jobs will be saved. All jobs are not going to reappear when businesses return. The longer the lockdown, the fewer jobs will return.

It is almost certain the Coronavirus will reappear in the short term, not if but when. Just like the flu. What then? We certainly can’t afford another lockdown. Coronavirus could come here from anywhere once air travel starts again. How do we flatten the next curve? One thing is for sure, don’t expect this  current bunch of no hopers to provide the answer.

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.