The Greens seem to be lurching from one crisis to the next. Golriz Ghahraman was nailed for pinching designer clothes, James Shaw quit in shame, Chloe Swarbrick chants racist and genocidal slogans, Marama Davidson is a racist misandrist, Ricardo ‘El Woko Loco’ Menandez-March has been swearing in parliament and Julie Anne Genter has anger issues.

Then there is Darleen Tana, who stands accused of exploiting migrant labour and is currently suspended on full pay while an independent lawyer investigates. She is now also subject to a complaint with the Electoral Commission over an undeclared donation and some murky shenanigans surrounding a pay-for-play piece of content in Verve magazine.

And it wasn’t the mainstream media who nailed her on this, it was Thomas Cranmer on X.

Following revelations earlier this week that suspended Green Party MP Darleen Tana commissioned a paid magazine article about herself in the lead-up to last year’s election which did not include the required statutory disclaimers, the Green Party has now provided evidence to ZB Plus which confirms that the party paid for the article.  

Tana’s electoral returns show that she spent $2415 on the article, published in Verve magazine in May last year.  

On Tuesday, the Green Party referred the article to the Electoral Commission because it did not contain the statement required by electoral law to show that it was an advertisement for Tana and her election candidacy.  

One of the co-owners of Verve told ZB Plus that the invoice had been paid by Bike & Beyond, the business owned and operated by Tana’s husband, Christian Hoff-Nielsen, and that that is recorded in the magazine’s accounts. However, the magazine has declined to provide evidence to ZB Plus which substantiates their claim.

The Green Party yesterday gave ZB Plus a screenshot from one of the Green Party’s bank accounts showing that the payment was made from the party’s account to the account listed in the Verve invoice for $2415 on June 28, 2023. 

Bike & Beyond has been contacted by ZB Plus but refused to comment. 


It’s as murky as a fetid, dank, dark green swamp.

Everything about the Greens shouts dodgy, dirty, and double-dealing.

They will of course point the fingers at others, blame some poor staffer and gaslight us all that they are purer than the driven snow that is raining down on us because of climate change.

They think they can get away with anything because they hide behind a shield of sanctimony.

If Labour were any good then the Greens would be toast.

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