Chris Hipkins seems to have adopted a new strategy since losing the election: being a dork. Worse, he is being a dork dripping with disdain and disrespect. He is also using the tried and true tactic of every opposition leader since forever: chasing every passing car like a proverbial mad dog. It is rather unbecoming.

This week we have seen him call Winston Peters a “drunk uncle” and then, yesterday in the House, his questioning of the Prime Minister was quite pathetic.

Look, far be it for me to tell Chris Hipkins what to do but he seriously needs to have a cup of tea and a lie down because he is just making an arse of himself.

His attack on Winston Peters blew up in his face when Winston mocked him about being so weak he’d get drunk on a wine biscuit. I suppose when you drink pink cocktails, that kind of opens you up to ridicule, almost as bad as drinking shandies.

Battling Winston with wit and charm is always a forlorn task, especially when you have neither.

His petulance in the house is laughable. He looks the school swot and dobber always chipping away, mainly because he is yet to be taken behind the bike sheds for a good old-fashioned walloping.

He thinks he’s being clever, but in reality he just looks like a disrespectful, disdainful, dork: a look he has down pat with his bobbly head and fly-catching, open-mouth and inane grins when he thinks he’s said something clever.

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