New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science


New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) current correspondence to the Heart Foundation of New Zealand is another critical call for immediate action over the concerns we have been raising since the start of the rollout on the impact of the covid injections on health and mortality. The situation is acute, and we are concerned.

Cardiologist Dr Gerry Devlin expressed concern regarding the decrease in favourable outcomes of those suffering cardiac arrests as reported in The Herald this weekend – and indeed of a similar vein to those reported in media stories for several years. We endorse his concern and have been lobbying about the different pathologies so far shown following covid ‘vaccination’, in particular the various studies demonstrating near universal signs of heart damage. The situation is acute, and we call for an immediate halt to the covid injections until unbiased investigation can take place.

Eminent cardiologists around the world are sounding the alarm about the number of vaccine-damaged patients they are seeing, and we are aware of reports from patients whose cardiologists will admit the damage but will not go on official record to speak out due to the fear of losing their status and employment. Many members of NZDSOS are only too aware of the persecution having suffered suspension, restrictions, silencing and more for upholding medical ethics.

There is a considerable body of evidence that the COVID injections cause significant cardiovascular harm and while myocarditis is a term becoming commonplace in our vocabulary thanks to the rollout of the last few years, we are certain that this is only the tip of the ‘vaccine’ injury iceberg.

With such an unprecedented, risky vaccine, it is not surprising to see so many unexpected serious adverse events and cardiovascular harms since the rollout in 2021. However, what is surprising is the sound of silence which we have received from our extensive list of communications to the authorities to inform them of the mounting critical concerns and ongoing bad news with the injections. We have communicated with coroners, and pathologists on some cases, such as the detailed case of Garrett Utting, all of which had unsatisfactory, or no responses and all documented on our website.

We call on the National Heart Foundation of New Zealand and especially, Dr Devlin, to call for an immediate halt to the covid vaccines until unbiased investigation can be undertaken.

Read: Letter to the Heart Foundation of NZ: It’s Acute and We are Concerned

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