As part of our drive to keep our comment section the best in New Zealand we showcase each week an example of a top-notch comment that adds value to The BFD.

Today’s comment was written by pak Thank you pak for taking the time to craft such an interesting comment.

Yesterday in Parliament Peters was unhappy with line of questioning from Greens to Bishop around various projects being considered by govt, when DPM stood up with a Point of Order, saying there was “a trend to making an allegation without one skerrick of evidence..and we’re not putting up with any of those lies”.

Shaw riled Peters again today with repeated questioning along similar lines to Bishop whether he would be seeking assurances that all Ministers are fully meeting their conflict of interest disclosure obligations under the Cabinet Manual. Winston on his feet again “That question might have sounded innocent” but like others he’d asked were “insinuating that there might be, and the Minister should be looking out for, a conflict of interest that is outside our electoral Laws, is I think, Sir, out of order. And more importantly, if I hear that one more time, we’re going to talk about people’s qualifications at University”!

Ooer! Shaw responded with a “Methinks the Acting Prime Minister doth protest too much”. Mr Speaker said, “Well, that’s irrelevant. Why don’t you make your point”. Peters clearly had made his, and Shaw on notice. Methinks he’d better drop that line of questioning…

A contribution from The BFD staff.