Right about now plenty of ordinary Kiwi motorists will be stuck in a gridlock organised by Te Pati Maori, who are protesting about not liking the results of pesky things called elections and democracy. They are angry and shouty, and disruptive, and they are acting in cahoots with the media.

Mass protests planned for tomorrow are expected to result in gridlock on the main highways heading into Auckland’s city centre, likely causing millions of dollars in lost productivity, Te Pati Maori party says.

Disruption is expected across North Island roads tomorrow morning as Te Pati Maori calls for nationwide action in response to the Government’s “assault on tangata whenua and Te Tiriti o Waitangi”.

Te Pati Maori party secretary Lance Norman said they were expecting hundreds – potentially thousands – of vehicles to join convoys heading slowly into Auckland’s city centre along the state highways from the North Shore, the northwestern and southern motorways.

He said the protests would likely cause “millions of dollars in lost productivity”.

“We are sending a clear message to Government on day one that we are not happy.”

Last month National agreed to support Act’s policy for a binding public referendum on defining the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi through its first stage.

The commitment does not ensure there will be a referendum, as National and NZ First have not pledged any support beyond the committee stage, but does ensure there will be a national conversation about the issue.

Norman said the protests had emerged after iwi leaders and Maori providers met soon after the new Government was announced, and confirmed last night a national day of action for the first day of Parliament on Tuesday.

”Every city will have some sort of protest, road block, march,” he said.

What they are saying is they don’t like the results of the election…or democracy, or how MMP works. No, instead they think they just need to issue demands and we will comply.

They got just 3.08% of the vote, and yet they are demanding 100% of the say on the Treaty. As Elon Musk would say “Go F*ck Yourselves”.

They are saying that we must not have a discussion about the Treaty of Waitangi, that their views are paramount, and therefore they are going to shut down any such debate using protests, blockages, and mass annoyance.

It is the thug’s veto – but at least they’re being honest about it. We can be under no illusion now that this lot of rag-tag Maori haters, wreckers and looters are in no way ever going to countenance reasonable debate. Instead, they’ve signalled very clearly, that they are going to be unreasonable.

The message is clear, if you don’t like the results of an election, then cause huge disruption.

Worse, the media are in on it. They are complicit. Note that towards the end of this NZ Herald article that they are deliberately promoting the protests, by helpfully listing all of the times and locations for protesters. Media are complicit.

The media are egging these scumbags on. They want mass protests, they want the clicks and the headlines and the anger because they too don’t like the results of the election.

That’s why you really need to be supporting voices like ours, because if we are silenced by economics, and you sit there doing nothing to help, then when we are gone so is your voice. Then who will speak for you?

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