The woke wombles at Stuff are all enraged that the incoming Government may axe all the Maori names and use of Maori in communications. Chance’d be a fine thing, given how woke Christopher Luxon is. But if there are changes they are likely being driven by David Seymour and Winston Peters.

In anticipation of the new National-led government, te reo Maori was erased from some official Government use. But is it likely the incoming Prime Minister Christopher Luxon will continue this?

It’s not yet clear what the new government’s position will be on the use of te reo Maori by government departments because it’s not yet been formed, but political experts have weighed in with their predictions.

The three prospective parties – National, ACT and NZ First – have different views on the issue. National’s Christopher Luxon has said he wants an “English first” approach for government departments with dual-language names, whereas NZ First’s Winston Peters has promised to erase all Maori names from government departments.

National earlier said it was not in a position to comment.

Based on what Luxon had said in the past and the way the public sector worked, political commentator Ben Thomas said there wouldn’t be a discussion around the use of te reo Maori being banned, but we could see Government departments reverting to English names.


Look, Stuff has gone all in on te reo and woke virtue signalling, but the reality is that Maori is only ever used by local government, central government, the civil service and anyone trying to trough from both. The rest of the general public uses English.

Furthermore, when we are forced to do something we bristle at it. Having Maori shoved down your throat is annoying, especially if you come from somewhere else, like me.

I have a personal policy of replying to Maori virtue signalling in communications by using Fijian. It discombobulates the woke who assumed they should use Maori, and then they think they’ve insulted someone by assuming that we prefer to use Maori when we may be Pasifika, or in my case Fijian. Watching them fall over themselves grovelling for my forgiveness is hilarious.

And that’s the thing; this assumption that every communication should start with tena koe and end with Nga mihi is just woke virtue signalling especially when everything in between is in English.

So just stop. It’s rubbish, and meaningless at the same time.

As for renaming everything in Maori, how does that improve public services? I mean who knows what Waka Kotahi means or does, when everyone knows what NZ Transport Agency meant and did?

The new Firearms Safety Authority is actually called Te Tari Pureke, whatever the hell that means. They’ve done “stakeholder” meetings where they spent a good chunk of time wanking on about how they were “gifted” this name. No one cares. Everyone I know calls it The Tarry Pukeko anyway.

And as for service: well, forget about it. It is a massive bureaucratic waste of resources that has made everything harder and probably less safe. A Maori name is not going to convince even a single firearms owner that this was a good idea.

Let’s hope the new Government abandons all this crappy woke virtue signalling if only to watch leftist heads explode in impotent rage.

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