What is it about Maori leaders that they can’t seem to respect democracy and need to issue threats of violence to get their own way? Willie Jackson is just the latest to do so, ignoring the wishes of the voting public and threatening riots and worse:

If ACT’s proposed Treaty referendum went ahead, New Zealand would see civil unrest “five times worse” than the 1981 Springbok tour protest, according to Labour MP Willie Jackson.

This morning on Q+A, Jack Tame asked Jackson if he plans to leave politics after Labour lost the election.

Jackson responded: “I want to stay because I’m nervous about what might be coming, you know in terms of this nonsensical Treaty referendum, let me tell you now Jack, if they try and push that through it’ll be ’81 Springbok Tour, civil unrest times five, times ten.

“I don’t think we’d be able to handle it or control it when I hear from our people surely they aren’t going to do that after we used the system, after we went through the courts, after Maori mortgaged homes, and their lives in terms of utilising the system and got victories, and now all of a sudden they’re going to be able to manage it in this country and I hope Mr Luxon and Winston show a bit of common sense over this.”


Always with the threats.

Willie Jackson and his pals can’t seem to fathom that there was an election, and the division, race-baiting and separatism that they promoted and implemented was soundly rejected at the ballot box.

New Zealanders have had enough of the woke and overt racism of people like Willie Jackson, Marama Davidson, Rawiri Waititi and every other looter and wrecker of our society.

Enough! we said at the ballot box, like civilised people.

And what do we get in return for that civilised behaviour? We get threats, or maybe they are promises, of violence, destruction, property damage and riots in the street.

Enough is enough.

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