Rosemary Abbott


A cloud of uncertainty hangs over Wellington’s public sector workers tonight.

It comes as the result of the election saw National and Act form what is likely to be NZ’s next Government based on the votes counted so far, but leaves many public servants in a state of uncertainty.

Act leader David Seymour has famously said that Act would cut the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) staff numbers in half if elected and cut down on the public servant workforce jobs across the board.

Millie Hopkins, 24, who drafts up spreadsheets for somebody else to look over, expressed her concerns. 

“Well I messaged my colleague Gareth just to see if he’d heard anything more. I mean Seymour has openly talked about halving our whole workforce for some time now. Fair enough, I don’t even really do much apart from draft up spreadsheets for someone else to look over.”

Gareth Jennings, the recipient of Millie’s message, shared his own concerns about the future of his employment in the Government sector.

“It’s unsettling to think that even our minor roles could be on the chopping block.”

“However, I’ve occasionally pondered the true worth of my contributions to the lives of New Zealanders day in and day out. To be fair to David, if I’m released from my duties, at least it’ll be good for the taxpayer and boost the economy.”

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