Labour’s campaign chairperson, Megan Woods, says they can turn the polls around in time for the election. Apparently she is satisfied with how they are going, despite seven polls in ten days telling these dolts that the game is up.

Labour’s campaign chairperson said the party can turn its poll results around.

Megan Woods, who oversees the party’s campaign, was in Tauranga today alongside Labour leader Chris Hipkins to announce a new energy plan the party said could cut bills in half.

She was asked if she was satisfied with how the campaign was going for Labour given its poor performance in the polls.

In the latest 1News Verian poll, released last week, National was up 2% to 39%, while Labour was down 1% to 28%.

The poll showed the centre-right bloc – National and ACT, would only just have the numbers to govern on 62 seats, but Labour, the Greens and te Pati Maori languished on a total combined seat tally of 51.

Woods said Labour volunteers and candidates were “out there every single day, talking to people, we’re fighting for every vote”.

“We’ll continue to keep doing that. I believe we can turn these polls around.”


In the same way, she’s managed to stop eating pies perhaps?

This woman is clearly a few sandwiches short of a picnic. The polls are not for turning. The phone is off the hook. Voters have no interest in the Labour Party other than to see the back of them receding in the distance.

Asked if that was an ambitious strategy to revive electoral hopes for the party, Woods said it was.

“I can tell you door-knocking thousands of houses across the country, making tens of thousands of phone calls is quite ambitious.

“You can see how much ambition is there.

“We’re out, we’re talking to people about the things that matter to them. We’ve got an extensive network of volunteers [who] are out doing that each and every day and that is ambitious.

“Elections aren’t – and this election in particular – aren’t about coming out with aces up sleeves. This is time for hard work and that’s exactly what the Labour Party is doing at the moment.”


Is that the same sort of ambition that saw Labour build 100,000 Kiwibuild homes? Oh, wait!

“I get out of bed first thing every morning to get out there on the campaign trail because I believe that we’ve got a really positive vision for the future of this country.


Liar, you get out of bed in the morning so you can fix yourself a massive breakfast.

The Labour Party are having a grand delusion that will come to a screaming end about the same time the minor parties find out Matt King came fifth, and that the Twitter and Facebook likes far exceeded their actual votes.

Four more weeks…four more weeks.

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