As I wrote recently for Insight, the elite are ever-obsessed with controlling language. That’s because language and thought operate in an unbreakable feedback loop. As Orwell said, “language becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts”. And when the elite dictate foolish language, it can only be because they wish us to have foolish thoughts.
Because the foolish are all the more easily controlled.

That’s why the enablers of Queer Theory ideology are so resolutely determined to control language. It’s why official publications demand such ludicrous outrages as calling women “menstruating people” and vaginas “bonus holes”.

But if you thought the Queer Theorists were crazy, you haven’t been listening to the Church of England leadership.

Whether its inviting imams to stand in a cathedral and proclaim the supremacy of Allah, while relegating Jesus to just another Islamic prophet, or Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby spouting utterly uninformed, ludicrous nostrums on climate change, you’d be forgiven for thinking the Church of England had been handed over to a bunch of halfwits and loons.

Halfwits and loons like this:

An archbishop in the Church of England said the opening of the “Lord’s Prayer” is considered “problematic” to some people because the 2,000-year-old prayer starts by addressing God as “Our Father.”

Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell told the General Synod, the legislating and ruling body of the Church of England, that referring to God as “father” might be offensive to some people because of the negative connotations of patriarchy.

“I know the word ‘father’ is problematic for those whose experience of earthly fathers has been destructive and abusive.”

What of those whose experience of earthly mothers has likewise been ghastly and abusive? What about orphans? Will no one think of them?

Conservatives within the church took issue with Cottrell’s words, while liberals supported the sentiments expressed by the archbishop.

Because, of course they did. The only time “liberals” stop sneering at Christianity is when they’re able to use it as a bludgeon for The Current Thing.

The archbishop might also want to consider from whom we received the Lord’s Prayer in the first place.

“Is the archbishop of York saying Jesus was wrong, or that Jesus was not pastorally aware? It seems to be emblematic of the approach of some church leaders to take their cues from culture rather than scripture,” said Dr Chris Sugden, a church official and chair of Anglican Mainstream, a conservative organization within the church.

Calvin Robinson, a conservative commentator and deacon in the Free Church of England, also critiqued Cottrell’s comments.

“We call it the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ because it is the prayer the Lord gave us. He taught us to pray it. We call God ‘Our Father’ because that is how he instructed us to address him. Is the Archbishop saying Christ was wrong? That God made a mistake?” Robinson said on Twitter.

Currently, the Church of England is looking at using “gender-neutral” pronouns for God, instead of the masculine pronouns used in the Bible.

Because, if anything can inform us about God, it’s the DEI manual, and not some pointless old bit of tat calling itself the “Bible”.

The Bible refers to God using masculine pronouns throughout both the Old and New Testaments. Jesus, who Christians believe to be fully human and fully God, came to Earth in bodily form as a man, and Christians believe that he still has a physical body.

The Daily Wire

Next, these be-frocked buffoons will be trying to convince us that Jesus was ‘non-binary’.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...