You may remember during the height of the protest at Parliament in February 2022, a video was circulating of a Police car that ended up wrecked on the bollards at Parliament. Here is the video for your viewing pleasure:

The folks at Mana News Live captured that video. Now there is a sequel to that event. They asked under the Official Information Act for the costs associated with that little altercation with the bollard.

It turns out that the damage to the car alone cost Police $17,057.60. Police refused to provide the costs to repair the bollard, citing s18(g) of the OIA: Police don’t have that information, and Parliament is not subject to the OIA.

I guess we will never know the true costs caused by a moment’s inattention from the driver of the Police vehicle.

Maybe the driver needs some remedial driving lessons, especially on how to scan for hazards:

Thankfully it wasn’t the rainbow-painted car caught dancing on a pole!

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