At the Fieldays in Hamilton, Winston Peters has again reinforced that, despite the leadership change in Labour, there will be no deals for them with NZ First. He was unequivocal: there will be no deal with Labour, at all.

He said he did have “a bit of a yarn to Winston Peters over lunch”.

They largely talked about the weather.

Peters, whose party NZFirst had a booth at Fieldays, said Hipkins approached him to say “hello” while he was eating lunch.

“We talked about the weather … It’s lovely and sunny, if you want to get a sun tan, that’s the place to be.”

He said Hipkin’s [sic] leadership of the Labour Party had not changed his position on any potential for NZFirst to work again with Labour after the coming election.

Since being voted out of a coalition Government with Labour at the 2020 election, Peters has been trying to create distance between NZFirst and the Government by suggesting Labour was failing to consult him on contentious policies, such as work around “co-governance”.

“We found out so many things that we were never told, which we had to be told, and those things were alarming to us … and we asked them questions at the time, and they did not tell us the truth,” he said, on Wednesday.

Nobody gets to lie to me twice,” Peters said.”

We are not going to go into any coalition or any party that can’t keep its word.


For those who like to use false quotes and claim otherwise, Winston Peters has categorically and unequivocally ruled out doing any sort of deal with Labour, no matter who leads them or what they look like after the election.

It is there in black and white. It is unambiguous.

If you want a change of government after the election then you have three choices. You can vote for either National, Act or NZ First.

My ideal scenario would be for a three-way coalition of those three, split 30/10/10. That way no party has too much power or not enough. How much of each of those three party’s promises will be met in such an arrangement is entirely up to you as the voter. If you give one party just 5% of the vote then you can’t expect very many of their promises to be met. But it is entirely up to you.

Vote wisely, but only for those three.

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