Oh, boy — right again. Don’t you just hate that? Us “right-wing conspiracy theorists” have had a depressing habit of being right about everything from Twitter shadow-banning conservatives, to vaccines not being as “safe and effective” as touted, to Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Now, we can add “vaccine passports” to the list. Not just for New Zealand, but soon, ze vurld!

World Health Organization will use the European Union’s digital covid certificate to launch a global digital certification system, thanks to a historic partnership signed on Monday.

WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus […] explained that the European pass would be transformed into a “global public good”.

Ah, yes, the greater good. Now, where have we heard that one before?

And they’re not even hiding that it’s just the start of a global health surveillance network.

This is the first building block of the WHO global digital health certification network, which must develop “a wide range of digital products to improve the health of all”, such as digital international vaccination books.

Le Soir

Even if they let you out of your 15 Minute City, you will go nowhere unless you’re dutifully jabbed.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said it will take up the European Union’s digital COVID-19 vaccine passport framework as part of a new global network of digital health certificates […]

As part of this new joint venture, Europe’s existing framework of digital vaccine passports will serve as the first building block of a global network of digital health products.

Dubbed the Global Digital Health Certification Network, the new vaccine passport framework has already drawn criticism, with Australian senator Alex Antic saying in a statement that the move is “just another conspiracy theory coming true.”

Governments only got away with imposing the invasive, discriminatory vaccine passports in the first place because they’d successfully scared the pants off people about a virus whose threat we now know (another “conspiracy theory” come true!) was ludicrously exaggerated. Now that a great many people have seen through the fearmongering and are trying to go back to normality, the WHO are trying to institutionalise vaccine passports for good.

As the pandemic has waned, the use of vaccine passports has seen limited use of late—and it has declined further since the WHO recently declared an end to COVID-19 as a global public health emergency.

The EU’s vaccine passport regulations are set to expire at the end of this month. Apparently sending the globalist authoritarians into panic mode.

While the global pandemic treaty is in its early stages and is still far from ratification, concerns have been raised that the “legally binding” treaty would give the WHO too much sway over sovereign countries’ health policies […]

In November 2022, the leaders of the Group of 20 (G-20) nations issued a joint declaration promoting a global standard on proof of vaccination for international travel and calling for the establishment of “global digital health networks” that build on existing COVID-19 vaccine passport schemes.

“Conspiracy theorists” are on to them.

Critics have denounced vaccine passports as discriminatory for facilitating denial of access to public services to the unvaccinated or paving the way for more intrusive health-based surveillance[…]

The announcement of the global vaccine passport initiative drew a critical response from Dutch politician Rob Roos, a member of the European Parliament, who called it a “worrying development” […] Roos also expressed concern that the new initiative was being driven forward by the WHO, which is not a governmental organization accountable to voters.

“We cannot handover national power to a private funded institute without any democratic legitimacy,” he said in an earlier post that took a dim view of the so-called global pandemic treaty, a separate but related proposal that is being negotiated within the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body.

As journalist Nick Gorbishly warns, we are being frogmarched into a “digital gulag”.

“It’s like this checkpoint society. Wherever you want to go, you have to show your mobile phone, your identity … even if it’s just to go into a supermarket or go into a shop,” he said on EpochTV’s “Crossroads.”

Corbishley described the negative aspects of a global digital identification scheme as a kind of “digital gulag” in which people could be “effectively banished from society.”

The Epoch Times

If that sounds like just another loony conspiracy theory, just ask the Chinese.

Or the Kiwis who were sacked from their jobs and denied healthcare, even banking services or the ability to buy a cup of coffee.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...