As I wrote when I looked at the previous two installments of Karen Harradine’s The Indoctrinators, the biggest challenge is discerning conspiracy theory from conspiracy fact. Mostly, Harradine has done a pretty good job of it. Unfortunately, she was not so on the ball when it came to her third entry.

Perhaps not surprisingly: Indoctrinator No 3 is Bill Gates. If I had a dollar for every loony conspiracy theory about Gates, I’d be almost as rich as he is.

The great pity of the plethora of crazy conspiracy theories that follow in this guy’s wake is that they too often function as a choking smokescreen for the demonstrable facts. Which are often almost as bad as the nutty theories.

Since its inception in 2000, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), under its philanthropic guise, has found plenty of useful idiots across world governments willing to fund and support it. Successive witless British Prime Ministers, up to and including Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak, have fallen under his spell with Gates hugely benefiting from this priceless endorsement and publicity. Given his malign agenda, Western taxpayers have literally been paying for their own demise.

Gates is an enthusiastic partner of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and attendee at their gatherings in Davos, which he typically uses to announce his latest plans to drain the West of its resources to fund his vaccine and climate change lunacy. In 1999, he formed the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), which he cleverly partnered with the United Nations (UN), BMGF, foreign aid agencies and pharmaceutical companies. It was to become, together with the BMGF, the second biggest source of funding to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

This is all true. And we all know how odious and inimical to freedom this roster of globalism is. That Gates has his fingers deep in all of them is bad enough.

More than 80 per cent of the WHO’s budget comes from voluntary contributions by member states and donors. In 2021, the BMGF was the second largest contributor with $375million, and GAVI the fourth with $245million.

The WHO disgraced itself during the Covid pandemic, not just by failing to hold the Chinese regime to account (indeed, WHO’s own members were complicit in engineering Beijing’s cover-up, at the same time that they were pretending to investigate it), but by facilitating the adoption of deranged policies from lockdowns to mask and vaccine mandates. In falling into line with policies espoused by the Chinese regime, WHO explicitly contradicted decades of its own advice.

The WHO’s deeply disturbing proposed Pandemic Treaty effectively puts into action Gates’s planned grasp for global control as he detailed in his 2022 book, How to Prevent the Next Pandemic. It has been long in the planning.

In 2003, on a Davos panel called ‘Science for the Global Good’, Gates announced his foundation’s gift of $200million to the US National Institutes of Health to set up the Grand Challenges in Global Health, a vehicle for shifting US tax money into the developing world in pursuit of Gates’s own interests.

It must not be forgotten that the NIH was also complicit in channelling US expertise and funding into banned gain-of-function research in Wuhan, the epicentre of the Covid pandemic.

Like [George Soros], Gates has a prominent platform on the WEF website to promote green investments worth billions of dollars. A devotee of the UN’s Agenda 2030, Gates is co-chair of the Global Commission on Adaptation.

Today, thanks to our unprincipled politicians, Gates has a hotline to Downing Street […] Billionaires persuading politicians to plunder public resources to fund their own megalomaniac ambitions is not just deeply distasteful but wrong.

All true enough.

But then Harradine shoots herself in the foot by repeating easily debunked conspiracy theories.

In 2010, Gates and his wife heralded a ‘decade of vaccines’ at Davos, pledging $10billion to fund vaccines in ‘poor countries’, a vaccine zealotry which has had some appalling outcomes for which Gates has expressed no remorse. In one example, nearly half a million children in India were paralysed after taking BMGF-funded polio vaccine.

The Conservative Woman

This is simply, absolutely not true.
It is true that some children developed paralysis due to what is called circulating vaccine derived poliovirus (cVDPV), linked to polio vaccination. How many?


Not “half a million”.

Oh, and India was declared polio-free in 2014.

By all means, shine a spotlight on Gates’ outsized, unelected influence on governments. Highlight the authoritarian nightmare of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty”.

Just take five minutes, though, to check out the obviously nutty conspiracy theories.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...