You know, just when I think people who babble that the globalist agenda includes normalising and legalising paedophilia are nutty conspiracy theorists, along comes this report.

The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty should, if nothing else, be considered a crime against brevity and legibility. Any publication whose title alone runs to twenty-four words is just begging to be thrown with great force into the nearest rubbish receptacle.

But, forgive me for thinking that’s exactly what they want you to do.

Because, if more people stopped to actually read what the International Commission of Jurists is advocating, there’d be angry mobs marching on its Geneva headquarters, pots of tar and sacks of feathers at the ready.

The 8 March Principles (blah, blah, blah) is the outcome, apparently, of five years of brow-furrowing by an international panel of jurists “addressing the detrimental human rights impact of criminal laws targeting vulnerable groups”. Laws such as?, you ask. Well, age of consent laws, for one. Laws against shitting in the streets, for another.

Yep, this is what it took the ICJ’s finest legal minds half a decade to come up with: it’s ok to bang kids and shit in the streets.

It should be noted that the ICJ is apparently trying to undermine the rule of law and the sovereignty of states; which, by definition, necessitates being the sole supreme law-making authority.

Criminal law may only proscribe conduct that inflicts or threatens substantial harm to the fundamental rights and freedoms of others or to certain fundamental public interests, namely, national security, public safety, public order, pubic health or public morals.

In other words, this is a green light for the sort of Soros-funded DAs who decide that certain criminal acts, such as theft, shouldn’t really be crimes at all. With the result that, in some cities run by George Soros DAs, shoplifters are brazenly marching into stores, filling garbage bags with loot, and marching out again, unmolested. Judging by the Blah blah blah report, the ICJ wants to make this the global rule rather than the American exception.

The same US cities experiencing the Soros-fuelled explosion in crime are also being flooded with a wave of shitting in the streets. The ICJ is onto that one, too, you betcha.

No one may be held criminally liable:

for engaging in life-sustaining economic activities in public places, such as begging, panhandling… or performing hygiene-related activities, including washing, urinating and defecating, or for other analogous activities in public places.

It gets worse, though. Much, much worse.

Parents, guardians, carers, or other persons who enable or assist children or people in their care, including persons with disabilities, to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights.

Wait, what? Children and their sexual and reproductive rights?

Does that mean what you think it means? Oh, yes, it does.

With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage. Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct.

International Commission of Jurists

Yes. That says exactly what you think it says.

Suddenly, it’s beginning to look like the conspiracy theorists are right. Again.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...