Emmy Griffin

Emmy Griffin is a Chicago native who now resides in the South. As a former educator, she has had the opportunity to teach all grade levels K-12. The passion that drove her during teaching – the love of her students and the people they are becoming – is the same drive behind her writing for The Patriot Post. She is a mother, avid reader and podcast listener who is always striving to learn.

PA Pundits – International 

There are many alternate religions created by secular leftism. For example, you have the gender ideology cult, the critical race theorists and the pro-abortion group. But perhaps the most pagan of secular leftism’s alternate religions are the climate activists, specifically the climate doom-and-gloomers who have resigned themselves to the end of humanity’s existence.

As this writer has pointed out before, end-of-the-world climate cultists have been around for a very long time. Not a single one of their predictions have come true.

One of the most famous theories was posited by Paul Ehrlich, writer of The Population Bomb. He suggested in his infamous book that overpopulation was a clear and present danger for the world. In other words, people are the pollution. This is a patently absurd stance since it is the new and younger generation that takes up the mantle, develops new things and continues to build society. The birth decline we are seeing all over the world, but particularly in the United States, will cause the economy to take a hit.

Yet the supposed dangers of overpopulation have been so embedded in the American psyche “that people with large families are guilt-tripped on a routine basis,” according to political analyst Robert Spencer. “The population explosion myth became the basis for many of the left’s other favored agendas, including the ‘climate crisis,’ the bug-eating plan, and even the sexual revolution, which was in large part made possible by the contraception and abortion that we were told had to be readily available in order to try to bring the world’s population under control.”

However, this climate-induced hysteria directed toward reproduction of the human species has taken an interesting twist.

In a study financed by a group called Club of Rome and carried out by a group called Earth4All, the findings suggest that the world population will peak at 8.8 billion and then rapidly decline. This sounds like a debunking of the ‘population bomb’ myth; however, when you read further, the machinations become more sinister.

According to the Guardian, “The peak could come earlier still if governments take progressive steps to raise average incomes and education levels.” What on earth could that mean?

Communism. It means communism. The writers of the study even tell us so.

One of the Earth4All study authors, Ben Callegari, said of the results: “This gives us evidence to believe the population bomb won’t go off, but we still face significant challenges from an environmental perspective. We need a lot of effort to address the current development paradigm of over-consumption and over-production, which are bigger problems than population.”

An article in New Scientist declares that this Earth4All study prediction could be escalated by “reducing inequity”. This government-facilitated (read: communist) redistribution of goods and services could accelerate the population decline to six billion. The writers of this article seem to be issuing a warning, but they also seem to be completely fine with the Maoist-style communist ideology that is driving this new study.

So, to paraphrase writer James Lindsay, the debunking of the population bomb with this study is merely a premise to explain why communism is the way of the future (or the manifesto of the Marxist Death Cult). The study writers and the New Scientist writers demand that everyone makes environmentally friendly changes so that perhaps the decline won’t be so bad.

Sound familiar? It’s just another way of manipulating gullible people down the path of the pagan sun monster hysteria, threatening that unless you give them more power, more control and more obedience, the world will end, and it’s your fault.

This communistic taint is infecting everything and should keep us on our guard.

Reprinted from PA Pundits – International

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