Dear Editor

The protestors at parliament had journeyed from the furthest regions of the country, cheered on all the way by thousands of other New Zealanders in complete agreement with their objective, to protest the repressive actions of a government way out of touch with its mandate. 

That things were bad enough to warrant such a united, country-wide protest was a unique signal to the Government. Yet the Prime Minister and Ministers, the “representatives of the people”, along with the other pathetic lot, the so-called “Loyal Opposition” (who didn’t even have a dog in the fight), were so cowardly and spineless as to refuse to meet with those who’d journeyed so far – let alone attempt to defend their stance. 

Had the PM and her cohorts fronted and had the Speaker not shown such bullying contempt toward those who’d protested quite legitimately, there would have been no extended protest. The protestors acknowledged, their objections heard, their points made, would afterwards have headed for home.  Instead, and quite understandably for Kiwis, they reacted determinedly to the contempt they were shown. 

Incontestably, all blame for the resultant outcome lies squarely on our parliamentarians. Their spinelessness was an indictment of their character and of the position they were charged to uphold.   

Jim Cable

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