Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a prime minister named Jacinda. She was a young and ambitious leader, eager to make a name for herself and leave a lasting legacy. However, things did not go as planned.

Jacinda had a falling out with one of her cabinet members, Nanaia Mahuta, and decided to punish her by removing her from her position. But the Maori caucus, rallied around Mahuta and decided to play a game of “musical chairs” with Jacinda, and instead of Mahuta, Jacinda was left without a seat, and thus had to resign.

Feeling defeated and embarrassed, Jacinda tearfully announced her resignation to the public. But rather than admitting her failures as a leader, she claimed it was for the sake of her own personal welfare and to spend more time with her collection of fluffy unicorns. But the real reason was her negative disapproval rating and the upcoming abysmal polling results for the Labour Party.

As Jacinda resigned, the nation rejoiced, They were tired of her failed policies and the constant drama in the government. The lefty mob were in disbelief, they couldn’t believe their leader had fallen and they took to Twitter to express their rage and disappointment.

Jacinda’s tenure as prime minister came to a close, and she was forever remembered as the leader who couldn’t deliver on her promises and couldn’t handle the pressure of the office, but at least she had her fluffy unicorns to keep her company. Her resignation was a relief for the nation and the Labour Party who had seen the writing on the wall, with the upcoming election and the negative approval rating, they knew it was time for a change.

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