Could you imagine the outcry if a political party had on their website in clear and concise language the statement, “It is a known fact that European genetic makeup is stronger than others. When there is commitment, dedication, and great support around Europeans to achieve a high standard in sport, it is guaranteed that Europeans will thrive”?

There would be a Twitter mob claiming that any party that said that was exhibiting “white supremacy” and perpetrating colonialism, and was a far-right manifestation, while demanding that they should be de-platformed, shunned, demonised and destroyed as a cancer on the body politics.

Media would be approaching any MP who appeared European and demanding they repudiate such an ethos, and directly asking them if they too thought Europeans were genetically superior.

Remember the outrage expressed by the left over Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneaux when they pointed out basic and empirical data that showed certain races were brighter than others? Their speaking tour was cancelled by the mob, the cancellation enabled by the Auckland Council, and they were effectively hounded from New Zealand.

So what then are we supposed to think when we see this on the Maori Party website?

It is a known fact that Maori genetic makeup is stronger than others. When there is commitment, dedication, and great support around Maori to achieve a high standard in sport, it is guaranteed that Maori will thrive.

Maori Party website

A known fact? Really? Try Googling to see whether it is a known fact. It isn’t.

It seems only the racists in the Maori Party know this ‘fact’.

Once you start down this particular slippery slope where one race of people start believing they are genetically superior to others it always ends in blood…immense quantities of blood.

But our mainstream media are silent on this. The other political parties, except ACT, are silent on this. Stuff in particular, who have been hunting down white supremacists, are very silent on this. They are all a disgrace.

We have in our parliament a political party that shamelessly believes that Maori are superior to all other races.

And no one except us is saying anything!

As per these claims being well known, I can’t say that I have seen any general Maori superiority in any sport. Who are these champions of the world? They are living in a fantasy land.

Their genetic make up is so weak they needed a specially allocated extra billion dollars to help protect them from Covid.

I really think the Maori elite do think they are superior – not just in sport but in everything. But somehow they have difficulties in achieving anything and need more and more handouts.

Maori are only feeling superior because sickly white liberals let them feel that way. Fact.

I can’t find anything that supports the claim that Maori are genetically stronger than others, but I did find some other well-known facts about Maori:

  1. New Zealand’s crime statistics are compounded by the over-representation of Maori. Despite Maori making up only 16% of the general population, figures show 42% of all criminal apprehensions involve a person identifying as Maori, as do 51% of those in prison.
  2. Maori Health is so bad that this Government set up a special separate Maori Health Authority.
  3. Maori die at twice the rate as non-Maori from cardiovascular disease.
  4. Maori tamariki have a mortality rate 1.5 times the rate for non-Maori children.
  5. Maori are more likely to be diagnosed and die from cancer.
  6. Maori die on average 7 years earlier than non-Maori.
  7. Maori children have the highest rate of hospitalisation due to assault, malnutrition & neglect

Those are more than a few statistics that actually prove that Maori aren’t actually genetically stronger than anyone else.

Perhaps the Maori Party should practice what they preach, and give nothing to racism.

Speaking of the Human Rights Commission on all this? Nowhere. Silence.

They are very loud in attacking racism everywhere else, but when it is a race-based political party that is claiming racial superiority over all other races they are utterly silent.

The Maori Party are shameless about their racism, despite claiming to be against racism.

The Maori Party is vowing to hold Labour to account and dismantle the systemic racism “keeping our people in second place”.

The “unapologetic Maori voice” looks set to make a stunning return to Parliament, with Rawiri Waititi topping incumbent Tamati Coffey of Labour in the Waiariki Maori seat.

Waititi won by 415 votes, however, that could change depending on special votes.

Speaking to Newstalk ZB, Waititi said it had been a “wonderful evening”, and he credited the victory to a “comprehensive ground game and social media campaign”.

The most important issue for Maoridom was tackling systemic racism, he said.

“I will be giving all sorts of things a go, but the main thing is ensuring we can break this system that continuously keeps our people in second place.

“The statistics have not changed – justice, schools, health. Maori die 10 years earlier [than non-Maori], and nothing is done. If we are dying earlier we should have earlier screening, drop superannuation, we must do something about it, not keep the same old, same old.”

NZ Herald

Apparently breaking systemic racism can be achieved by proclaiming your own genetic superiority over all other races.

We need to face facts, we have a system of race-based seats for some MPs, we have a political party based solely on race, and that political party says that they are genetically superior to all other races. Where Ministers insult other Maori for not being Maori enough.

That, my friends, is the racism that exists in New Zealand. Where Maori are promoted as genetically and culturally superior in every regard. Where the apparatus of the state is forcing us all to be colonised again by Maori wonderfulness. Where people born here are being segregated based on who their ancestors were, where some of those ancestors are genetically superior to all the other ancestors.

We are sliding down a very slippery slope of racial separatism which has always ended in bloodshed everywhere else in the world. Worse still, this systemic racism is being promulgated by people and political parties who revel in labelling everyone else who disagrees with them as racist.

We are no longer a democracy where one person gets one vote, where Jack is as good as his master and we celebrate an egalitarian society. We are slipping ever more quickly into the mire of totalitarianism and despotism, coloured by appalling racism.

We don’t tolerate white supremacists, so why are we tolerating brown supremacists?

We must not give anything to racism, we much resile from it at every step and we must challenge these entitled iwi racists and oppressors at every step. Because if we don’t then our country is lost.

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