Co-leader of the Green Party Marama Davidson is 100% Coloniser.

Part of her racial heritage is Maori and they were the first immigrants to colonise New Zealand.

The other part of her racial heritage, of course, is European and they too like the Maori were immigrants. Of course, they colonised New Zealand after the Maori. No matter how you cut the cake this means that Marama who is so keen to disparage colonialism is only hating on herself.

One part of her heritage involved a brutal stone age life, cannibalism and a very short life span as well as no wheel, ability to boil water or written language. The other part had law, education, medicine, the wheel, a written language and the ability to boil water to name only a few things that ensured that her European ancestors lived much longer lives and were able to build and create because of their ability to make things from both metal and wood.

Strangely this 100% Coloniser ignores all the bad from her Maori side and all the good from her European side.

New Zealand’s politicians have paid their respects to the Queen, most admiring her service, worth ethic, and sense of duty.

But Greens co-leader Marama Davidson used the opportunity to hold the monarchy to account for its colonialist legacy.


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A contribution from The BFD staff.