Apparently, Michael Wood is called Napoleon around Parliament. How apt. Animal Farm comes to mind. Although it could also be a reference to him being short like the original Napoleon.

Napoleon is on the left and Snowball is on the right. The BFD

If Ardern loses the next election, however, there will be a leadership contest. And that would most likely be between Chris Hipkins and Michael Wood. […]

Michael Wood is less experienced but has made an impact in the short time he has been a minister – his nickname in the Beehive is “Napoleon.”

[…] Wood is popular with the party base. He is a former union organiser, has an ability to think on his feet in the House and draw appealing contrasts between Labour and the Opposition. […]

Given the role the party and the unions have in Labour leadership votes, Wood would have the edge over Hipkins.

NZ Herald

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