While nations like Australia and the US dole out citizenship like a groomer handing out sweets at a Pride parade, other European nations are not so inclined to reward the indigent and the country-shoppers. Switzerland places strict requirements on citizenship, including up to 12 years’ residence and satisfying multiple levels of government that applicants have fully assimilated to Swiss norms and culture. As a result, only 2% of foreigners in Switzerland are granted citizenship in a year.

Tellingly, Klaus Schwab, who has lived in the country for 60 years, was refused even honorary Swiss citizenship.

More European countries are taking a harder line on allowing foreign gate-crashers to stay in their countries. Since Angela Merkel unilaterally threw the gates of Europe open to the excess males of the Middle East and Africa, millions of “migrants” have flooded Europe.

With dire results. Crime, most notoriously rape, has spiked in Europe in direct tandem with mass illegal immigration. While the coordinated mass rape of women in Cologne and other European cities on New Year’s Eve in 2015 grabbed headlines (once the police stopped trying to cover it up), a Google map tracking police reports of sex attacks by “migrants” claims that “Cologne is every day”.

Strangely, Google hastily scrubbed the map.

Sweden has especially reaped the “migrant” whirlwind, with soaring crime and “No-Go Zones”. Only months ago, Muslims embarked on the worst rioting ever seen in the country.

Some Swedes have simply had enough.

The populist Sweden Democrats (SD) have called for the repatriation of Syrians, Afghans, and Somalis, noting their rate of unemployment and high numbers who have not integrated.

I guess those special classes where “migrant” men were introduced to the amazing concept that an unaccompanied woman is not “fair game” didn’t go so well.

Party leader Jimmie Akesson and migration policy spokesman Ludvig Aspling have said the Swedish government needs to do more to return migrants to their homelands if they rely on state benefits and do not integrate.

“Since 2010, Sweden has granted over 1.2 million residence permits, equivalent to more than a brand new Stockholm. Unemployment is almost five times higher among foreign-born compared to native-born,” the pair wrote in a debate article for the newspaper Aftonbladet.

The pair add that among Syrians, Afghans, and Somalis, half of the adults earn incomes less than 100,000 Swedish kronor (£8,189/$10,235) per year, and that among foreign-born residents in general some 600,000 are not self-sufficient.

“Remigration is not a miracle solution, but the failures of recent decades show that it must be an option – a solution for all those who live in long-term exclusion,” they said, noting that while Sweden does have a subsidy for those wishing to return to their home countries it is seldom used.

“Incentive structures and the welfare system must be reformed, so that people in exclusion cannot get caught up in welfare dependency, but are either forced into society or encouraged to remigrate,” they wrote.

Given the high and tenacious reliance on welfare of “asylum seekers” in other European countries (40% in Germany remain on welfare even after ten years; 70% of Somalis in the Netherlands depend on welfare; Australia spends hundreds of millions every year on welfare for refugees, up to 80% of whom do not work), it’s not surprising that other European countries are also seeking to ship “migrants” right back.

Even the left-media’s beloved Denmark.

Akesson and Aspling also cited the Danish approach to repatriating migrants, quoting Danish government minister Mattias Tesfaye, who has previously stated his goal is that Denmark would receive zero asylum seekers.


When even Scandinavian countries have had enough of the “asylum seeker” mass illegal immigration scam, you know that repatriation is an idea whose time has come.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...