The headline of this article was supposed to refer to both the council-controlled organisation and the service itself. While researching for relevant information I came across a RNZ interview Lisa Owen conducted this week with Auckland Transport Acting Group Manager Metro Services, Darek Koper. Based on his interview, if he were to read my headline he could justifiably think it very unfair. I say that because, listening to him, there are factors in play that are preventing AT from operating a reliable service on both buses and ferries.

Currently there is a shortage of about 270 bus drivers across the network. The inference was that this is apart from those off work through sickness. This means Auckland Transport are having to cut approximately 1400 bus trips per day. Among the reasons Mr Koper gave for the shortage of drivers were some were leaving for better paid driving jobs elsewhere, some because of increased violence towards drivers, and some just wanting a change of job. Drivers currently earn $23 per hour.

Whatever the reason, it is clear Auckland Transport cannot operate a reliable, on-time bus or ferry service. This is where the joke comes in because Auckland Council and, by implication, Auckland Transport still persist in their encouragement of Aucklanders to use public transport. Even with fares at half price who is going to stand in the rain waiting for a non-existent bus or boat to turn up? Mayor Phil Goff wants to spend a further $600 million on new and electric buses and adding new services. This is classic lefty thinking.

For a start, adding in those off sick, there is a shortage of probably over 300 drivers so are these new buses going to be world-first driverless vehicles? Instead of just throwing, in typical leftie fashion, another $600 million around, why doesn’t he direct Auckland Transport to conduct an exercise looking at rationalising what they are currently offering. Most of the local suburban bus services are running around with only a handful of passengers at any one time. There’s probably more than 1400 service cuts right there. Problem solved.

If you want to go to Eden Park for the rugby this weekend and go to the Auckland Transport website for advice, here is what you are confronted with. First you are told there are no trains. You are advised to catch a rail bus. Then you are told due to driver shortages the rail buses will be running to a reduced timetable. You are advised it might be better to catch a regular service bus. How many of those go via Eden Park? They don’t tell you that the bus might not arrive either. The final irony is they advise you to PLAN YOUR TRAVEL EARLY. Like maybe the day before?

Talking of no trains, as many may be aware, there was a freight train derailment at St Johns last Wednesday on the eastern line resulting in the cancellation of all passenger services. Obviously this is not an everyday event but it could happen anywhere anytime. These trains are moving freight from the port. This raises the question: why in 2022 are freight and passenger trains using the same lines? Either separate tracks are needed or the port has to be relocated.

It is frankly pointless trying to encourage people to use a system which, instead of having more money thrown at it, is in urgent need of rationalisation. We’ve heard only recently there is not enough money to run the buses so where is Goff’s $600 million going to come from? Rationalising the whole system would go a long way to making it more economically viable. There would be more money to pay the drivers, and fewer buses and drivers would be needed, therefore allowing the operation of a more reliable service.

This dopey fixation of trying to coerce people out of their cars onto an unreliable public transport system is doomed to failure. Also AT must stop the wasteful spending on cycleways in a city where most terrain is unsuited to virtually all but the keenest recreational cyclist. Get real about projects that are desperately needed such as widening Mill Road. Get your multitudinous heads out of the sands of idealism, swallow the dead rats of lowering emissions and getting cars off the roads because it ain’t going to happen.

The only way to solve Auckland’s traffic congestion is more bitumen and tarseal. Traffic will then flow more freely thereby REDUCING EMISSIONS!

A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.