The lawyer for Matthew Tukaki, one of New Zealand’s biggest racists, has hit out at opponents of co-governance by describing them as “the KKK brigade”. I don’t know about you but that makes me very angry indeed with Chris Finlayson.

He clearly hasn’t listened to a word of Jacinda Ardern’s Harvard commencement speech, where she implored people to “to make a choice to treat difference with empathy and kindness”.

Instead, Chris Finlayson has shown his true colours and gone with the nasty, calling those who oppose co-governance as members of “the KKK brigade” who are both stupid and out of touch with his reality.

“Co-governance” has become a term that people don’t understand. They think it means co-government.

People who are frightened by co-governance think they’ll be locked out of access to our natural resources, for example. When what it really means is that involving iwi in a myriad of decisions can actually result in a better country.

The people I call “the KKK brigade” are out there. They dream of a world that never was, and never could be. They are the people – and these words aren’t mine but are taken from a former British foreign secretary – that you can call the “sour right”. They don’t really understand tangata whenua. They don’t like change.

There are always going to be people like that, and you have to be reasonably charitable towards them for a while – and then just ignore them and get on with things.


Well, I’ve got news for simpering racists like Chris Finlayson: we won’t be ignored, we will have our say and he will be made to listen to those of us who believe that the degradation of our rights and freedoms in favour of a race-based elite hegemony is not the Kiwi way, where Haki is as good as his master.

Our egalitarianism is something to be celebrated not ridiculed by iwi elites and their handmaidens and enablers like Chris Finlayson.

Perhaps Finlayson might like to see a massively popular referendum to gauge just precisely what the vast majority of Kiwis think about people like him calling them members of “the KKK brigade” as he pushes us into a method of governance that was never campaigned on and is the antithesis of the Kiwi way of life.

People like him always get a shock when the people they abuse with words and labels react in a way they could never fathom. Finlayson is one of those people who thinks if he just talks at you for another 20 minutes then he will convince you of the merits of his poor argument. If that fails then he will resort to ridicule and abuse. That all comes to a sudden stop when they get punched in the face by reality.

We know Finlayson’s arguments are thinner than the scum on the eel pond because he’s gone straight to the nasty.

People like Finlayson never realise what is going on because they have their snouts buried so deep in the trough they almost fail to come up for breath.

Reality will come sooner than he imagines: first in the polls, then at the ballot box.

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As much at home writing editorials as being the subject of them, Cam has won awards, including the Canon Media Award for his work on the Len Brown/Bevan Chuang story. When he’s not creating the news,...