As part of our drive to keep our comment section the best in New Zealand we showcase each week an example of a top-notch comment that adds value to The BFD.

Today’s comment was written by pal. Thank you pal for taking the time to craft such an interesting comment.

That Kelvin Davis is “special” ay?
Complaining in Parliament how the Government twisted the Treaty to rob his ancestors of prized possessions and hampered their ability to do business… yeah mate, I get ya, the Government are crooks.
But Kelvin you do know you work for a party whose number one policy is to confiscate wealth and limit Freedoms for the greater good of themselves. Changing the rules and breaching contracts is what these guys do.
During your time in Parliament, your vote has been used to confiscate prized personal taonga (firearms) and hamper business at every level from hiring staff to how you run your rental property.
Even locking down movement and businesses till they fail- in record numbers.
And your Government is now planning to steal the assets of Councils.
Your party even mandates two standards of citizenship.
What happened to “he iwi tahi tatou” – “we are now one people”?
Maybe in the privacy of the booth Kelvin you should vote ACT for less Government.

That would honour your ancestors

A contribution from The BFD staff.