One thing we have constantly been told during this pandemic is that we must always follow and trust the science. Of course, it has never helped that the science was always changing, but at all times we’ve been implored to follow the science.

Take masking…first, they were useless, then they were effective, then we should wear more of them, then less, then not when sitting in a restaurant, but put them on as soon as you stand up, on the bus, but not in cafes.

It’s all been utter rubbish. None of the claims, other than that masks are useless, can be sustained by evidence.

If masks were effective at halting the spread, and mask mandates worked as well we wouldn’t be having the Omicron outbreak now would we?

It all makes perfect sense. To a moron.

But we must always follow the science and trust the science. Despite the “science” being all over the show like a mad woman’s poo, they still expect us to trust the science when it comes to vaccines.

Here is Jacinda Ardern telling everyone that the vaccine would mean that you wouldn’t get sick and that you wouldn’t die:

Here are the latest statistics that reveal the lie of Ardern’s trust the science claims that the vaccine means you won’t get sick and that you won’t die.

As you can see vaccinated and boosted people have died in far greater numbers than the unvaccinated. As each day goes by the boosted deaths continue to outstrip the unvaccinated.

Again Ardern’s lie, that you won’t get sick is exposed. To really ram it home look at these statistics where vaccinated and boosted people account for 78% of all cases and 79% of all hospitalisations.

Trust the science they tell us. Believe the experts, look to ‘the one source of truth’. It was all propaganda.

But our Government is still pushing all this, nudging media and people into believing it all. If vaccines and masks really worked, then why did the cases rocket up despite lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates and divisive segregation and othering of the unvaccinated?

The people who attack you on Twitter and Facebook, and the lickspittles in the propaganda press constantly tell us that we are spreading disinformation. But are we?

Of course, we aren’t. They are accusing us of what they’ve been doing from the very outset. But one thing they cannot answer is the question I put to them constantly. Why do they insist that by doing the exact same things that other highly vaccinated countries are doing, that we will have a different outcome?

Even Dr Anthony Fauci has thrown in the towel:

Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday appeared to throw in the towel on more government restrictions over COVID-19 — insisting it’s now up to Americans to make their own medical risk assessments.

“This is not going to be eradicated, and it’s not going to be eliminated,” Fauci told ABC’s “This Week.” “And what’s going to happen is that we’re going to see that each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take.

The White House chief medical adviser said Americans will have to consider factors such as their age, vaccination status and whether they live with vulnerable individuals when it comes to coronavirus precautions.

“We’re at that point where in many respects … we’re going to have to live with some degree of virus in the community,” he said.

NY Post

If Fauci can see it, despite previously telling us all to trust in the science, that masks, double masks, quadruple masks, vaccines, boosters and lockdowns, stay at home orders and social distancing were all going to eliminate this virus. If he can see that nothing of the sort has happened, then we all know that we now need to learn to live with the virus.

Oh my, Sweden must be laughing at us all now.

Why does Ardern still insist that elimination was the ONLY path to success? By her very own words, it is clear that her strategies have failed.

By failing to learn to live with the virus she and her band of idiots beggared the nation while condemning thousands to poor economic and health outcomes through blind allegiance to globalist dogma, big Pharma lies, obfuscation and deceit.

None of it worked. All they did, at best, was kick the can down the road.

But the stupidity remains. They are now talking post peak, that we are through it all. We aren’t. We haven’t yet seen the peak and we are going through what the UK thought was their peak, or what Israel thought was their peak. Our peak is yet to come. When it does more and more boosted people are going to die because that is what has happened around the world. It will happen here too.

So, when these clowns tell us to trust the science, tell them to get stuffed. The scientists and politicians are nothing but shabby grifters selling you all a lie.

Enough. We no longer trust either the scientists or the politicians. They’ve cooked their goose and it’s all downhill for them now.

We haven’t been peddling disinformation, they have.

The BFD stands for Bravely Fighting Disinformation. It is a job that we will continue to do.

Trust the science? No thanks.

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As much at home writing editorials as being the subject of them, Cam has won awards, including the Canon Media Award for his work on the Len Brown/Bevan Chuang story. When he’s not creating the news,...