Angus Rush

Good Evening Chris, 

Very sorry for the late email, to quote you in the NZ Herald headline ‘Anti-Mandate Convoy descends on Parliament, Road Blocked’ Quote “We have a busy day here”: I too have had a busy day. 

I have just finished a day at work (in my family business) that, for the last two years and counting, our tax paid civil servants have single-handedly crippled based on political gain. Two years Chris!

Then a ray of light comes in the form of a new and refreshed National Party Leader and front bench. I sent a few emails with my support and started to follow you personally and the National Blue and got behind your approach … that was until today, Chris. 

Today, I signed off as a 15 year+ National voter and supporter and I know many more will and have after today. As a parting gift, I will explain why.


Like most Kiwis, we have been following our Commonwealth partners, the peaceful and brave Canadian Truckers. Regardless of people’s point of view on this, they have got the world talking and asking the real questions. I was so proud to hear that New Zealand had joined in. If you had the time, as I understand you’re a busy man, and looked outside of the mainstream media, you would see that from the top to the bottom of New Zealand there was overwhelming support for this convoy. It was a ‘read the road moment’

It clearly showed the swing in mood of New Zealand and that it was no longer an event to label as anti-(insert all the words from the mainstream media to dismiss and discredit); it was your everyday Kiwis saying, “Enough is enough, time to let it go and let’s move on.” You know the ones, the ones that you Chris, use in all your political speeches: us, them, me.

While busy at work today, I stopped for 15 minutes to watch the convoy and give my support. While I could not salute the convoy in my Army uniform as they drove by, I added my voice to the comments and shared and liked where I could.  

Then I saw your post on social media, saying in short, ‘first day back in Parliament’. Now, I am not sure if you have a Social Media publicist or coordinator; however, if you did, easily 90% of the comments they would have reported to you would be, ‘We are your voters, go and talk to the Kiwis outside’. As I said, I have followed you and the National Blue after the new look and refresh. I added my comment to that post; it was: “Mate, go outside. As a National voter and supporter, that is the best thing you can do today.” I got a lot of likes and hearts from that comment and a few replies that said, in short, they agree! 

I went back to work with a dash of hope knowing Chris is for the everyday hard-working Kiwi and if he does not go to meet them, at least he will not be like our current dismissive Prime Minister when asked to comment. 

I got a phone call from another supporter of the new and refreshed National team to say, “Today Angus, National have lost my vote” … I asked WHY? “Angus, I will tell you why.” 

And I quote, “He is too busy to talk to the people and he said he supports and agrees with the Labour GOV on Vaccine mandates across multiple workforces including boosters.” 

No, I said, I don’t believe you, Chris surely has the foresight and can read the road and would not politicise this event? “Sorry, Angus,” they said, “here is the article” … If you are still reading this, the article is … Anti-Mandate Convoy descends on Parliament, Road Blocked. 

It is true. So Chris, this is the why. This is why today I am signing off from National. 

If you have time, I have attached a YouTube clip of the Opposition Leader of our Commonwealth partners, the peaceful and brave Canadians. Worth a view, as it could help show you a template of what New Zealand is looking for in an Opposition Leader for a ‘National Equivalent’.

Again, sorry for the late email. Off to bed now to get ready for another day of ensuring my business and livelihood can outstrip our current GOV tax paid civil servants … 

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