Ligonier Ministries is an international Christian discipleship organization founded by theologian Dr. R.C. Sproul in 1971 to equip Christians to articulate what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it.

Sinclair Ferguson
Ligonier Ministries

Worship in the evangelical church has drastically changed in the past few decades causing no small controversy known as the so-called contemporary verses traditional worship debate. What is the most important thing about worship? Should we design our worship service to be seeker-sensitive?

Dr. Sinclair Ferguson examines this thought in this message, as he explains some of the historical and cultural influences that have shaped much of the contemporary worship movement today, and how it is really nothing new. This message is from our 2003 National Conference, The Power and the Glory

Ligonier Ministries is an international Christian discipleship organization founded by theologian Dr. R.C. Sproul in 1971 to equip Christians to articulate what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it.

Proclaiming God’s holiness is central to Ligonier’s purpose.

Ligonier produces Renewing Your Mind radio broadcasts, the Reformation Study Bible, Tabletalk magazine, books through the Reformation Trust Publishing division, and various teaching series.

It also offers academic degrees through Reformation Bible College. In addition, Ligonier hosts national and regional conferences, offers an online learning community through Ligonier Connect, streams twenty-four-hour Christian internet radio through RefNet, and makes available thousands of unique discipleship resources online at

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