As part of our drive to keep our comment section the best in New Zealand we showcase each week an example of a top-notch comment that adds value to The BFD.

Today’s comment was written by George. Thank you George for taking the time to craft such an interesting comment.

A trip down memory lane for Stuart Nash.

Thirteen years ago you had this to say when delivering your maiden speech.

“I realised just how lucky I was to be living in this wonderful country. Our beaches are pristine, our skyline is visible, our fields are green, our different-coloured children play together in our many parks, and our families interact side by side regardless of socio-economic status and enjoy a champagne lifestyle”


It sounds like paradise, and it was, until 2017 when the sixth Labour Government came to power. My question to you is, why is our race-based relationships so fragile in today’s world?

Another clip from your maiden speech suggested:

“To reach the top these days we need to be very smart, exceptionally well prepared, intensely focused, and willing to stand up and fight for what we believe in with all our energy”.

My question to you is. Do you believe that the county’s farmers attached to the Groundswell movement are cut from this cloth?

And finally, you also quote John F Kennedy, “If we are strong, our strength will speak for itself. If we are weak, our words will be of no help.”

My question to you is. When you describe the Groundswell movement as “a mixture of racists, anti-vaxers and etcetera, etcetera” does this expose your strength or weakness? You see Stuart, in one statement you have managed to contradict all your virtuous comments made thirteen years ago. The dignity of race relationships, the belief to fight for what we believe in and by confirming your weakness when your words were of no help. It takes a special kind of stupid to expose yourself as the fraud you are. One might come to the conclusion that you are the perfect fit for this appalling Labour Government.

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A contribution from The BFD staff.