Feeling the buyer’s remorse yet, Kamala?

As I reported recently, US vice president Kamala Harris has hired two of America’s heavyweight political spin doctors, in a bid to polish her image. With her boss fast shuffling off this mental coil, and her own ratings skydiving past even the likes of Dan Quayle and Dick Cheney, Harris needs all the help she can get.

So, Harris hired Lorraine Voles and Adam Frankel, who “have extensive experience crafting messages from the White House and the corporate world”. That sort of Washington firepower doesn’t come cheap, one imagines.

Harris might want to ask for her money back.

Her ventures into the public domain have, it’s charitable to say, gone from bad to worse. First, there was her conspicuous avoidance of visiting the southern border, despite Biden putting her personally in charge of the crisis. Then, her weird, Tourettes-like cackling in response.

Things got no better when the chair of the National Space Council hosted the first of her “Get Curious with Vice President Harris” video series. While Harris was initially mocked for her weird, over-dramatic presentation, things only got worse when it was revealed that the wide-eyed kiddies in the video were all child actors, specifically auditioned and hired by series producers — you can’t make this up — Sinking Ship Entertainment.

There’s a message from the gods in there, somewhere, I’m sure.

Then Harris was filmed asking Nasa about “environmental justice”, and whether it could use its satellites to track trees “by race”. #BlackTreesMatter! Harris also burbled that, “I truly believe space activity is climate action.”

Harris’ latest PR faux pas came during a visit to a Covid-19 lab in Paris. Apparently falling back on the English tourist gambit of How to Talk to Foreigners, Harris opted for lots of hand-waving and a funny accent.
Contrasting her own garbled version of the scientific method with politics, Harris emphasised that politicians always stick to “The Plan” — except that it came out as “Ze Plan”. Every time she mentioned Ze Plan, out came the Pepe Le Pew style linguistics.

“Is she using a FRENCH ACCENT?!” tweeted Abigail Marone, press secretary for Republican senator Josh Hawley.

“I wonder if she practised accents with her child actor friends,” added Republican strategist Matt Whitlock.

It’s purely a vicious rumour that Harris was seen urging Joe to board Air Force 1, by shouting, “De plane, boss! De plane!”

Still, in rare good news for Joe Biden, at least his 38% approval rating isn’t as bad as Harris’ 28%.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...