Jacinda Ardern was on Seven Sharp on Thursday night extolling the virtues of rolling out ankle bracelets for returning Kiwis in order to monitor their compliance with MIQ policies:

She repeated this assertion on The Project as well:

A trial will be held later this year. Ardern said it will only be rolled out if the trial shows it works. To participate in the trial, travellers will need to be vaccinated, be able to isolate on their own or others they travelled with, and be able to make it from the airport to their place of isolation without contact with anyone else. Ankle bracelets may also be used to ensure people are staying put.


Even the business people involved in the government propaganda seem OK with being treated like criminals:

Businessman Rob Fyfe said that if the vaccine rollout only reached, for example, 40 percent it would mean a return to lockdown.

However, current MIQ constraints were causing a lot of concern for business at the moment.

“There’s no easy way to just suddenly grow the capacity of the system.”

He was hopeful about new ways to expand the system.

“People are desperate, they’ll do whatever it takes. If I had to wear an ankle bracelet … that would be fine.


Talk about channeling your inner Stalin. Old Josef must be chortling to himself in the afterlife at how gullible and compliant most Kiwis are.

What’s next though? Gulags for the unvaccinated? Is it really that far-fetched to think Ardern would give it a crack?

Remember this?

They’ve gone from drumming in the message for two weeks of “sustained propaganda” to requiring ankle bracelets for ordinary Kiwi travellers. It really isn’t that far removed from them implementing gulags is it?

Be careful what you wish for. This woman has seriously bad intentions for us. I’m starting to believe that she wants us locked down forever.

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