New Conservative

New Conservative is deeply troubled and concerned over the tabling of the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill in parliament by the Minister of Justice, Kris Faafoi.
Not only is this Bill a further intrusion into the whole area of freedom of speech, but it is also, and more worryingly, a further intrusion into the freedom and the responsibilities of parents to raise their own children in a principled manner.

When Minister Faafoi was asked this simple question in a radio interview, “Is it OK for a parent to say no to hormone blockers for a 12-year-old who wants to change their gender? Is that right or wrong under this new conversion therapy law?” he was unable to answer with any clarity at all. This bill will drive a wedge between parents and their children, and between decent parents and the State.

Once again we see the State telling parents that it knows what is best for their children. “Keep out of their lives. We will take care of them.”

While the Bill states it will not be illegal for “the expression only of a religious principle or belief made to an individual that is not intended to change or suppress the individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression,” (emphasis added) what parent, in raising their child and referring to beliefs and principles they hold dear, would not be hoping to influence the thinking and direction of their child? If parents are not intentional in the raising of their children, we will be the worse for it as a society.
The Bill also states in Clause 10, “Consent not Defence,” and in the very next clause states, “Person on whom conversion practice performed not party to offence.” This has the potential to pit child against parent where a child asks a parent’s opinion on a sexuality question. After the parent has offered them the advice they have asked for, if not actually initiating criminal charges, holds this over them as a threat of criminal activity, while being innocent of any involvement of aiding and abetting.
New Conservative is appalled at the potential, even the intention of this Bill to shut down healthy discussion in the raising of a child in a loving environment. For a child to become a healthy well-rounded and adjusted adult, they must be afforded a holistic educational experience. To silence a parent’s perspective on such an important issue is robbing a child of their dignity as a thinking and rational human being capable of making good informed choices for themselves.
Meanwhile, InsideOut is being funded by six-figure government grants to write a curriculum for Christian Schools persuading vulnerable children, with no evidence to prove it, that their Biblical heroes were involved in sexually active same-sex relationships. The schools themselves will be allowed to “express only” a principle or belief, without discussion or debate. This bill is a one-way street called Discrimination Alley.
New Conservative sees this as nothing short of mind control by this government, and it calls on the majority of thinking New Zealanders who do not want this, to begin to make their voice heard by whatever means possible before it is too late.

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