Dear Editor

I was very interested to read the article in yesterday’s Herald about the huge use of speed bumps all over Auckland.

While I was in the UK I read an interesting article about why they were removing their speed bumps all over Britain. Apparently, over time, they discovered that more people living near these speed bumps were dying of cancer than those who didn’t live near them. The constant slowing of drivers going over these bumps then accelerating was not only polluting the air but also negatively affecting the people who lived nearby.

closeup photo of 25 km/h road signage
Photo by Makarios Tang. The BFD.

In Auckland, the council have started to build bigger and higher speed bumps outside schools and churches making the drivers almost stop before accelerating away. It will be interesting to see if it affects people in a similar way here or will the council do some research into what has happened overseas and remove these extremely expensive ways of slowing traffic?

I am too old to see if the same happens here but it will be younger people reading this article who may recall this in years to come. I read somewhere that for every positive action there is an equal amount of negative action.  I hope this is not the case for Aucklanders’ sake.

Don Trask Auckland 

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