David Theobald 

As I sit here in my rural idyll North of Auckland I am extremely worried about the new mutant virus that has been stealing all the headlines over the last few days (note the timeline there, very important – this thing is quick to move). Am I concerned about its lethality? Nope. Am I concerned about its ‘number plucked from the sky, 70%’ greater infective potential? Nope. Am I concerned that ‘they’ have found a viral mutation? Nope – that’s what viruses do; it would be news if there were NOT a mutation – or several thousand of them.

What terrifies me is the political punch it has been shown to pack in the matter of just a few days. Since the middle of last week when they deployed it, the politicians in Britain have just about shut down life inside the UK, and in the last 24 hours Europe has decided that Britain can suffer its self inflicted misery pas seule as they have cut Britain adrift by closing their borders to the island nation.

The populace have been sufficiently softened up by Government fear-mongering, with MSM compliance, that even though the latest intra-UK measures have been issued by decree without the modulation of parliamentary consent, the sheeple have just accepted them. 60%-odd of the UK population agree with the new measures with a good proportion thinking they don’t go far enough. How depressing is that?

All very lamentable, but what relevance to me in Dairy Flat? My major concern this morning should be what time I set out for my Christmas haircut. A report has crept under the radar that two (or three, who cares?) cases of the new Godzilla Virus have been found in Australia ‘brought in by travellers from the UK’. COVID adverts on the TV here in NZ have been ramped up over the last few days.

I have zero confidence in the ability of our Lords and Masters to let this opportunity to do a bit (or even worse, a lot) more population control pass – say between Christmas and New Year. No matter that if Godzilla marches down Queen Street it will be their fault – that hasn’t stopped them behaving irrationally in the past.

Has our population been sufficiently softened up as referred to above? Of course it has: the October election demonstrated that in spades. If our PM says we all have to wear masks when driving our cars alone, most would ask what colour will be required to distinguish us from drivers who haven’t been vaccinated. Maybe a yellow six-pointed star on the mask might fit the bill.

I really, really hope I am wrong and am typing this wearing a tinfoil hat, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

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