Totalitarians have always been particularly interested in recruiting children to do their dirty work. From the Hitler Youth to Pavlik Morozov and the Red Guards, unscrupulous authoritarians know that children are easily impressed and often make the most effective snitches.

The COVID totalitarians are cottoning on to the same thing.

The once-innocent question of what students did over their Thanksgiving break will take on a new meaning in Vermont, according to Republican Gov. Phil Scott.

Vermont is among the states that have laid the blame for a rise in coronavirus cases on small gatherings that have flown under the radar of bans on larger groups getting together.

As such, state officials have told residents not to have traditional Thanksgiving dinners that can include multiple generations or families.

Thanksgiving is one of America’s most revered traditions. Officious bureaucrats and meddling politicians slapping a ban on the beloved holiday is a step too far for many Americans who’ve endured months of dictatorial restrictions. Many are loudly giving the middle finger to a ban on the traditional family dinner.

But the Little Hitlers are having none of that. Cue the baby-snitches.

In an effort to crack down on anyone celebrating the traditional way, Scott said students will be asked to inform on their families.

“Unfortunately, we know some will still get together and schools have asked for help. [The Vermont Agency of Education] will direct schools to ask students or parents if they were part of multi-family gatherings and if the answer is yes, they’ll need to go remote for 14 days or 7 days and a test,” he tweeted Tuesday[…]

When asked about putting students in a position to inform on their parents, Scott on Tuesday defended his edict, according to the Vermont Daily Chronicle.

Many Americans, some with living memories of totalitarian snitch-regimes, pushed back.

Using government institutions to convince children to rat out their parents. Where have we seen this happen before?
Kurt Eckert (@kurtjeckert) November 25, 2020

As a child of the “iron curtain”, where neighbors and family members betrayed each other, I wish I’d had a trigger warning before reading this.
Sylvia Fogel MD (@FogelSylvia) November 24, 2020

But the public health megalomaniacs aren’t about to take any such talk lying down.

Other Vermont officials painted Thanksgiving as a potential catastrophe for the state.

“The fact is, Thanksgiving can make things a lot worse for us here in Vermont. The virus doesn’t operate any differently just because we want to keep up traditions,” Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine said, according to NECN.

Odd, isn’t it? The virus that somehow knows how to avoid BLM protests (which, it must be remembered, thousands of public health apparatchiks actually encouraged) is just waiting to strike grandma dead somewhere between the turkey and the pumpkin pie.

The children…were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations. The family had become in effect an extension of the Thought Police. It was a device by means of which everyone could be surrounded night and day by informers who knew him intimately

George Orwell, “1984”

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...