What has become very apparent over the last couple of days, and it is stating the obvious, is that the Labour Party are mental degenerates when it comes to running the economy. We are in an economic slump of Grand Canyon proportions and Labour and their mates are so devoid of anything close to intelligence, it is doubtful they know the reasons this has come about. They have no idea how we got into this economic catastrophe, so we shouldn’t expect them to have any idea how to get us out of it.

Labour’s big problem is that they are hidebound by their ideology, which is precisely why we are where we are, and there is nothing in their ideology that will extract the country from the mess they have got us in. Something they are completely oblivious to. The only thing they have got right is the wage subsidy which any government would have done but it doesn’t occur to them that needlessly locking up workers has in any way contributed to the shambolic mess the country finds itself in.

You would go a long way to find a bunch of dunderheads like this lot. It is very clear by their actions, or lack thereof, that they are mentally ill-equipped to cope with a self-inflicted disaster of this magnitude. They have absolutely no idea of the steps that need to be taken to extricate the country from their man-made economic canyon. When it comes to growing the economy they are bereft of ideas. This is because their ideology, which belongs in the dim distant past, doesn’t allow them to think along these lines.

The result is that they keep applying their logic to a situation to which it is patently not suited. This has been obvious from the start of the pandemic. Instead of going hard and early, they went too late and then too hard. There was no need to shut down construction and other industries. This is another of their problems. Part of their ideology has a focus on total control.  Therefore they are unable to think in a measured and rational manner. There is nothing rational in Marxist ideology.

Labour’s idea for getting out of the hole is to tax more and spend more. Their tax policy is a joke in more ways than one. Simply tax the top two per cent, who have plenty of options for avoiding it; they evidently can’t even see that. That’s proof in itself that economically they’re far from savvy. However, and I hope there’re many more like me, I didn’t come down in the last shower and if Grant Robertson thinks I believe him when he says that’s the only tax change coming, he’s got another thing coming. Think 2017: NO NEW TAXES. YEAH RIGHT!

They simply don’t have a plan because, applying Marxist principles, there can’t be one. The policies they implement just deepen the hole. Think Zimbabwe and Venezuela. Very little of the policy Labour has announced is specific. Most policy announcements are spoken in generalities. You really don’t know what they’re going to do and that’s how they want it to be. The voters are the peasants and they will do as they are told. This is how they have run COVID and this is why we are where we are now.

There is little doubt that the road they have us on is the road they want. Unfortunately, it’s the highway to hell. Jacinda is driving the bus and all she cares about is that the wheels keep going round and round. What she doesn’t seem to be cognisant of is that at some stage the wheels are going to fall off. Within the next three years if she gets to be in charge again.

This country is desperately in need of politicians who understand how to get things back on a stable economic footing. That sure as hell isn’t this mob. They’re as thick as what emanates from a pig’s bottom.

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.