Jacinda Ardern needs to get with the implementation of her rules. She does her pathetic little stand up every afternoon, making the Guinness Book of Records for the most facial contortions in half an hour, while using COVID as an electioneering platform. She gets out her little red book of rules and spouts them off, reminding us all of what we should and should not be doing. However, it appears the rules do not apply to us all.

On Tuesday well over one hundred people attended a tangihanga of a gang member in Papakura. Here we have gathering limits flouted and there appear to be no consequences. The problem we have here, as I see it, is these are rules, not laws. This then poses the question as to what powers the Police have to enforce them. If they have powers to arrest why weren’t any made? I’m pretty sure I know the answer to that.

According to the Herald, in this case, Police staff were in regular contact with people at the address and they were reminded of the rules pertaining to level two. Whoopee! They had a number of calls to the address during the previous 24 hours but there had been no arrests. Police were actively monitoring the situation and using the educational approach. Whoopee again! As if anyone involved was going to take any notice. Would they know what an educational approach was? I am beginning to despair as regards our Police.

We are getting dangerously close to losing the one law or one rule for all. I am aware, in reality, that went some time ago. If we are going to have the sort of people in charge who are going to impose these one sandwich short of a picnic rules, Mr Plod needs to have the wherewithal to enforce them. If in fact he has, I expect him to do so. This is not the first time an event like this has happened under COVID while the constabulary have been nothing but onlookers. Meanwhile, families sitting on the beach were being harassed by the same officers in blue.

Instead of fronting up daily on television with a face that has more twists and turns in it than a murder mystery she might like to haul in her useless Police Minister and wet Commissioner and bang their heads together and sort this diabolical situation out. Here’s the thing — my birthday is next month and if it’s good enough for the Mongrel Mob to have over a hundred to celebrate a past life then it’s good enough for me to have over a hundred to celebrate a current life. If the stupid rules still apply, and I wouldn’t put it past her, what will the Police do then?

She who makes the rules needs to see they are enforced. If they can’t be enforced then don’t bother thinking them up. As far as I’m concerned this whole COVID thing is a complete debacle and a joke. All the important rules that should have been in place early weren’t and rules better suited to a kindergarten have been continually inflicted upon us ever since. We are now told Aucklanders can’t take part in the Rotorua Marathon. Please Miss, can we go and watch? Is this woman for real? Is she serious? The entire country should be at level one and we live with the consequences just as we’ll have to live with COVID.

The quicker Ardern, Hipkins, Bloomfield and any other clueless clots involved realise this, the better off we’ll all be in terms of being able to get on with our lives.

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.