As I wrote recently, lynchings are a brutal display of power. Once, they were symbolic of white racism. The new lynchings are symbolic of the growing power of the violent, anti-white racist movement dubbed Black Lives Matter.

Lynching is a form of group violence, often performed to punish or intimidate. Lynching is also characterised by public spectacle.

In the past, lynching parties necessitated physical participation – in the age of social media and at a time of state-mandated social distancing, lynching has moved online. Where once jeering crowds surrounded the hanging tree, online mobs of hooting, gleeful thugs congregate on social media to celebrate the murder of another uppity cracker.

Jessica Doty Whitaker was murdered for being an uppity white woman. She dared talk back to a BLM mob, so she was killed.

In the spirit of an old-fashioned lynching party, BLM supporters are celebrating online.

BLM supporters flooded a Facebook page belonging to Jessica Doty Whitaker, the young mother who was shot dead for saying “all lives matter,” to celebrate her death.

Yes, really.

Whitaker was killed after she encountered a group of Black Lives Matter supporters while walking along a canal in Indianapolis after a Fourth of July celebration with her fiance and two friends.

During the confrontation, Whitaker said “all lives matter,” prompting the BLM supporters to draw weapons, after which Whitaker’s fiance also drew his weapon.

Although it initially appeared that the confrontation had been de-escalated, the murderers subsequently shot Whitaker several times before fleeing the scene.

The press completely ignored the racist hate crime – until they could find a way to lie and blame the victim.

The press only deigned to cover it after alleging that one of Whitaker’s friends had used the n-word, as if this justified her being murdered.

And so the lynching party begins.

Now Black Lives Matter supporters have flooded Whitaker’s Facebook page to justify and celebrate her brutal killing.

“Racist Rachel is pushing daisies and the streets are a little safer,” said one user called Eric Albany.

“Can’t feel bad when you used a racial slur and acted a fucking fool,” said Josh Long.
“Black lives matter – the rest of you are next,” added another individual.

“PARTY FOR SAFER COMMUNITIES,” remarked another, along with a gif of Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air dancing.

“Maybe she should have thought about her son before she opened her racist fucking mouth,” said another.

Remember, these are the same people who represent a group that we’re all supposed to kneel for and respect, and for whom virtually every cultural institution, major corporation and media outlet has prostrated themselves for.

The old racism of Jim Crow was the vile creature of the Democrat party.

So is the new racism, every bit as ugly and brutal.

Racist lynch mobs, old and new. The BFD.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...