There was a time when the National Party had nothing to do with China and even less with the Communist Party. National Party MPs went to Taiwanese national day celebrations and rubbed shoulders with the Kuomintang Party at IDU meetings.

Sadly, those days are long gone, and it must be embarrassing now at IDU meetings, which Peter Goodfellow attends, for the bastion of anti-communist parties to now have a Chinese Communist Party member in their ranks of MPs; a man who was reportedly a spy.

Simon Bridges was wedded to the CCP, once saying that a Chinese MP was worth more to than party than Indian MPs. Now it is Todd Muller‘s turn to die in a ditch protecting the Chinese spy. He’s even bumped him up the party list.

A National MP with links to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been criticised for not being accessible enough to English media outlets – but his boss Todd Muller disagrees. 

Dr Yang, a list MP who joined Parliament in 2011 and admitted to once training Chinese spies, was recently criticised in a TVNZ report over refusing an interview with a Q&A journalist for more than two years. 

Louis Houlbrooke from the right-wing Taxpayers’ Union said he was “staggered” to learn that Dr Yang had been refusing to give media interviews to the country’s state broadcaster despite “sitting on a cool $179,000” as an MP. 

But Dr Yang has the support of his new leader Todd Muller, who bumped him up the National Party list from 33 to 27.

National’s deep links to the CCP are going to be exposed in court eventually, all with cute little SFO diagrams that show the flood of money originating out of CCP connected accounts through to the National Party’s coffers, where it all still rests. And its been resting there for a good long time.

Anne-Marie Brady is on to it:

And that was that the SIS told Bridges that Jiang Yang IS a Chinese spy.

The National Party is owned by the CCP. Most of their donations come from CCP connections, and their president is hopelessly compromised as well.

The BFD. National Party President Peter Goodfellow and National MP Yang Jian visit one of Shen Zhaowu’s projects in China in 2014,
Peter Goodfellow with Yikun Zhang who was charged by the SFO.

I remember Jason Ede calling me asking if I knew anything about Jiang Yang as he couldn’t find anything out about him, back when Jiang Yang first put his name forward. I couldn’t find anything either. Yet he sailed through selection.

While Todd Muller threw Hamish Walker under the bus for daring to question why quarantine facilities in Queenstown were being considered for people arriving from shithole countries, he is dying in a ditch to protect the Chinese spy.

Time for National to get off their Chinese potty. They are starting to stink.

As much at home writing editorials as being the subject of them, Cam has won awards, including the Canon Media Award for his work on the Len Brown/Bevan Chuang story. When he’s not creating the news,...