The Deutsche Welle reports detailing the paedophile-enabling activities of a (formerly) respected German academic psychologist are shocking – but they should surprise no-one.

Helmut Kentler’s 30-year “experiment” of handing homeless children into the clutches of known paedophiles was part of a sick pattern that shames the left every bit as much as clerical abuse shames the churches. It reached a peak in the 70s and early 80s, subsided for a decade or so, but is now resurging.

In the 70s, it was branded as “liberation”; today, it’s sold as “anti-bullying”. But the method and motive are still the same.

In Germany in the 1960s, people in some circles viewed sex with children not as a taboo but as progressive.

One key figure behind such thinking was the Berlin-based psychology professor Helmut Kentler. Today, it is clear that he was nothing less than a matchmaker for pedophiles. But for a long time, he was widely viewed as a visionary and one of Germany’s most prominent sexologists, or sex experts.

His books on education sold well, and he was a popular expert and commentator on radio and TV. His theory of “emancipating sexual education” was based on the premise that children are also sexual beings who have are right to express their sexuality.

Liberating children’s sexuality from repressive moral strictures would help to unleash energies that would in turn lead to political protest and the true democratization of German society that Kentler believed was still necessary.

One of Kentler’s best-selling books on “liberating” children. The BFD.

The method is the sexualisation of children. The motive is a mix of sordid Marxist ideology and, for some no doubt, a wish to satisfy their criminal urges under a cloak of ideological respectability. Just as, in pursuit of the Nazis’ vile ideology, many participants justified themselves as just doing a grim but ideologically necessary task – and others used ideology as an excuse to indulge their proclivity for bestial savagery.

Indeed, the brutal excesses of Nazism provided a convenient ‘in’ for the next generation of abusers.

During the late 1960s, a new young generation of Germans began to ask what exactly their parents and grandparents had got up to during the Nazi Third Reich.

All traditional and authoritarian moral values were subjected to critical scrutiny. The utopia of a free and unshackled society was shared by many. In this potent mood of social liberation, the previously unthinkable became thinkable: It was suddenly acceptable, it seemed, for pedophiles to indulge their sexuality with young children.

This was a pattern repeated across the Western left.

Into this cauldron of rampant left-wing kiddy-fiddling poured a slithering torrent of Marxist bullshit: notably, Queer Theory.

Taking its cue from Marxism’s dogma that the destruction of the family and “bourgeois morality” is absolutely necessary to dismantle capitalism, Queer Theory argues that everyone must be made “gay and communist” (in the words of Australian Marxist Roz Ward).

The Soviet “New Man” now wants to “fuck your kids” (in the charming words of a key Queer Theorist).

Leftist parties were particularly keen to put that ideology into action.

In their early days four decades ago, [the German Greens] even considered advocating the abolition of Paragraph 176 of the German Criminal Code, which criminalized sexual activity with children below the age of 14[…]even agreed to push for the legalization of sex between adults and children as long as it was “consensual.”

The tentacles of this squalid ideology reached far and high.

[…]The Hildesheim report is clear: “Evidence so far gathered shows that the care homes were, in fact, men living alone, often powerful and influential men (…) from academic life, research organizations and other educational contexts.”

The report points to what is described as a “network” that included everything from academic facilities to state welfare offices.

For the victims of these leftist child molesters, nothing like justice has ever eventuated. The churches have been forced to come clean and stump up compensation. Paedophile priests have been jailed.

Not so the well-connected paedophiles who, for 30 years and with state sanction, openly trafficked in children.

“They didn’t want anybody to be named. And they have achieved their goal. They’ve defended the system.”

It seems that eroticising children in the name of ideology has something of a history in totalitarian systems. The BFD.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...