As I wrote some time ago, normalising paedophilia seems to be part of the long-term agenda of the Cultural Marxist left.

Yes, I know how paranoid that sounds. Reading it myself, it’s uncomfortably reminiscent of the demented ravings of the “QAnon” conspirators about a global cabal of Satanic paedophiles running the world. Except that, as Washington Post journalist Travis View admits, “there’s always at least this tiny hint of truth to it […] they’re sort of right, maybe in a very broad general sense, but their specific particular claims are always insane and far, far detached from reality. In the case of secret paedophile rings, I mean, you don’t have to look very far to see that kind of thing actually happens”.

View points to the very real cases of paedophile rings, from the Catholic Church to Jeffrey Epstein. But, what is truly disturbing is the slew of revelations of a seedy paedophilic underbelly to the modern left. This leftist taste for paedophilia may originate with Marxist “Queer Theory” which claims that every element of bourgeois morality must be systematically swept away in order to finally destroy capitalist society – including, apparently, prescriptions against raping children.

Whatever its origin, it just seems to keep happening. A growing movement is trying to normalise paedophilia as a “sexual orientation” under the “rainbow” umbrella. The movement is insinuating its tentacles into schools.

And it has a long and sordid history.

Starting in the 1970s psychology professor Helmut Kentler conducted his “experiment.” Homeless children in West Berlin were intentionally placed with pedophile men. These men would make especially loving foster parents, Kentler argued.

A study conducted by the University of Hildesheim has found that authorities in Berlin condoned this practice for almost 30 years. The pedophile foster fathers even received a regular care allowance.

This is all part of a disturbing pattern. In 2014, the German Greens apologised for its decades-long pro-paedophilia stance.

New Zealand’s John Money was the doyen of the modern “transgender” movement. David Reimer, the subject on whom Money based his career and reputation, later reported that Money forced him and his brother to regularly engage in simulated sex acts while naked. Acts which Money photographed.

Both David and his brother eventually took their own lives.

In Australia, too, there is a nexus between academia, “Queer” advocates and educational bureaucracy.

Helmut Kentler (1928-2008) was in a leading position at Berlin’s center for educational research. He was convinced that sexual contact between adults and children was harmless.

Berlin’s child welfare offices and the governing Senate turned a blind eye or even approved of the placements.

Several years ago two of the victims came forward and told their story, since then the researchers at Hildesheim University have plowed through files and conducted interviews.

What they found was a “network across educational institutions,” the state youth welfare office and the Berlin Senate, in which pedophilia was “accepted, supported, defended.”

Kentler himself was in regular contact with the children and their foster fathers. He was never prosecuted: By the time his victims came forward, the statute of limitations for his actions had expired. This has also thus far prevented the victims from getting any compensation.

The researchers found that several of the foster fathers were high-profile academics. They speak of a network that included high-ranking members of the Max Planck Institute, Berlin’s Free University, and the notorious Odenwald School in Hesse, West Germany, which was at the center of a major pedophilia scandal several years ago.

This should hardly be surprising, really: it’s a kiddy-fiddler’s two-fer after all. Not only do they get an in on where the juicy jailbait is, but they get to groom the next generation.

Dr. Helmut Kentler. The BFD.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...