Here is the definition of the role of a Prime Minister. The Prime Minister determines the general direction of Government’s activities and ensures coordinated and purposeful work of the Cabinet of Ministers. The last half is worth repeating: ENSURES COORDINATED AND PURPOSEFUL WORK OF THE CABINET OF MINISTERS.

If the COVID debacle has proved one thing it’s that we have a fake Prime Minister. Fake in the sense that she is incapable of doing her job. I’m prepared to cut her some slack because she’s in a coalition and those parties’ views have to be taken into account on every issue. She is, however, the leader of the major party. One can happily cut Ardern some slack knowing full well if she were leading a one-party government she would be no better.


Adoration and adulation are what drives this Prime Minister. The desire to give love and be loved. To give kindness and encourage kindness, even on the country’s motorways. That’s all that counts, all that matters. Never mind the responsibilities of running a country. Leave that to others, which might work if the others were up to it. Unfortunately, the others are no more equipped to steer the ship than she is.

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin.

This is one sorry apology for a government. There is not one Labour Minister who has proven he or she is up to the task. I could be kind and say David Parker has come close. The rest resembles a shambolic group of airheads. The worst of them are cringingly embarrassing. Davis, Twyford, Jackson, Mahuta, Salesa, Clark, Sepuloni, the list goes on.

These incompetents are in dire need of leadership but it’s just not forthcoming. There is no leadership, which is compounding the problem. Last week’s Covid debacles proved beyond all doubt the appalling situation we are in. The Prime Minister, who has spent the last few months inflicting herself upon us daily, has suddenly become the invisible woman. Nowhere to be seen. When leadership is desperately needed it’s absent. The pathetic excuse for her no show is she’s overexposed herself.

So thank you very much Prime Minister. While we were locked down at your behest it appears all you could achieve was overexposure. We know that to be true due to the events that unfolded last week. Heads should roll. The Minister of Health and the Director-General for starters. I’m unsure what you can do about yourself as self-inflicted wounds, such as resigning, are the actions of one who realises she has let her “team of five million” well and truly down.

Having created a conflagration it appears rather than resign, you have decided to retreat. There is a word for that.

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.